Wednesday, November 30, 2011

First Month of the Islamic Calendar... MuHarram al-Haraam [URDU]

اسلامی سال کا پہلا مہینہ محرم الحرام ہے۔ محرم کو محرم اس لئے کہا جاتا ہے کہ اس ماہ میں جنگ و قتال حرام ہے۔ یہ اللہ تعالیٰ کا مہینہ ہے اور اس مہینہ میں عاشورہ کا دن بہت معظم ہے یعنی دسویں محرم کا دن ۔ (فضائل الایام والشہور صفحہ ٢٥١)

یومِ عاشورہ

عاشورہ کی وجہ تسمیہ میں علما ء کا اختلاف ہے اس کی وجہ مختلف طور پر بیان کی گئی ہے ، اکثر علماء کا قول ہے کہ چونکہ یہ محرم کا دسواں دن ہوتا ہے اس لئے اس کو عاشورہ کہا گیا، بعض کا قول ہے کہ اللہ تعالیٰ نے جو بزرگیاں دنوں کے اعتبار سے امت محمدیہ کو عطا فرمائی ہیں اس میں یہ دن دسویں بزرگی ہے اسی مناسبت سے اس کو عاشورہ کہتے ہیں ۔

یوم عاشورہ کی فضیلت

حضرت ابن عباس رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہما سے مروی ہے کہ جب حضور نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم مدینہ منورہ تشریف لائے تو یہودیوں کو عاشورا کے دن روزہ رکھتے ہوئے پایا۔ ان سے اس کی وجہ پوچھی تو انہوں نے کہا : اس دن میں اللہ تعالیٰ نے حضرت موسیٰ علیہ السلام اور بنی اسرائیل کو فرعون پر غلبہ عطا کیا۔ ہم اس کی تعظیم کرتے ہوئے اس کا روزہ رکھتے ہیں ۔ حضور نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا : ہم موسیٰ علیہ السلام سے زیادہ قریب ہیں، چنانچہ آپ نے اس کا روزہ رکھنے کا حکم دیا۔ (مکاشفۃ القلوب، صفحہ ٦٩٨ از امام محمد غزالی علیہ الرحمہ )

یومِ عاشورہ کے فضائل میں بکثرت روایات آتی ہیں ۔ اس دن حضرت آدم علیہ السلام کی توبہ قبول ہوئی، اس دن ان کی پیدائش ہوئی، اسی دن جنت میں داخل کیے گئے۔ اسی دن عرش، کرسی ، آسمان وزمین، سورج ، چاند ستارے اور جنت پیدا ہوئے۔ اسی دن حضرت ابراہیم علیہ السلام پیداہوئے، اسی دن انہیں آگ سے نجات ملی، اسی دن حضرت موسیٰ علیہ السلام اور ان کے ساتھیوں کو نجات ملی اور فرعون اور اس کے ساتھی غرق ہوئے ۔ اسی دن حضرت عیسیٰ علیہ السلام پیدا ہوئے ، اور اسی دن وہ آسمان پر اٹھالیے گئے۔ اسی دن حضرت ادریس علیہ السلام کو بلند مقام (آسمان) پراٹھالیا گیا۔ اسی دن حضرت نوح علیہ السلام کی کشتی جودی پہاڑ پر لگی۔ اسی دن حضرت یونس علیہ السلام کو مچھلی کے پیٹ سے نجات ملی ۔ اسی دن حضرت سلیمان علیہ السلام کو عظیم سلطنت عطا ہوئی ۔اسی دن حضرت یعقوب علیہ السلام کی بینائی واپس ہوئی ۔ اسی دن حضرت ایوب علیہ السلام کی تکلیف دُور ہوئی۔ اسی دن زمین پر آسمان سے پہلی بارش ہوئی۔ (مکاشفۃ القلوب ، صفحہ ٦٩٩)

نوافل برائے شبِ عاشورہ:

٭ جو شخص اس رات میں چار رکعات نماز پڑھے اور ہر رکعت میں الحمد شریف کے بعد پچاس ٥٠ مرتبہ سورہ اخلاص پڑھے تو اللہ عزوجل اس کے پچاس برس گزشتہ اور پچاس سال آئندہ کے گناہ بخش دیتا ہے۔ اور اس کے لئے ملاءِ اعلیٰ میں ایک محل تیار کرتا ہے۔

٭ اس رات دو ٢ رکعات نفل قبر کی روشنی کے واسطے پڑھے جاتے ہیں جن کی ترکیب یہ ہے کہ ہر رکعت میں الحمد شریف کے بعد تین تین مرتبہ سورہ اخلاص پڑھے۔ جو آدمی اس رات میںیہ نماز پڑھے گا تو اللہ تبارک و تعالیٰ قیامت تک اس کی قبر روشن رکھے گا۔

عاشورے کے روزے رکھنے کی فضیلت:

حضور علیہ الصلوٰۃ والسلام نے فرمایا: اگر مومن اللہ کی راہ میں روئے زمین پر مال خرچ کرے تو اسے (اس قدر) بزرگی حاصل نہ ہوگی جس قدر کوئی عاشورے کے روز روزہ رکھے۔ اس کے لیے جنت کے آٹھ دروازے کھل جائیں ، وہ جس دروازے سے داخل ہونا پسند کرے گا داخل ہوگا۔ (لطائف اشرفی ، صفحہ ٣٣٦)

حضور علیہ الصلوٰۃ والسلام نے فرمایا: جو شخص عاشورے کے دن روزہ رکھے پس شب و روز کی ساعتوں میں ہر ساعت اللہ تعالیٰ اُن ساعتوں کی ہر ساعت کے بدلے اس پر سات لاکھ فرشتے نازل فرمائے گا جو قیامت تک دعا اور استغفار کریں گے اور بے شک اللہ تعالیٰ کی آٹھ جنتیں ہیں، اللہ تعالیٰ ہر بہشت میں ساٹھ لاکھ فرشتے مقرر کرے گا کہ (عاشورے کے روزے دار کےلئے ) روزہ رکھنے کے دن سے اس بندے اور بندی کی موت تک محلات اور شہر تعمیر کرے ، درخت اُگائیں، نہریں جاری کریں۔ (لطائف اشرفی ، صفحہ ٣٣٦)

حضور علیہ الصلوٰۃ والسلام نے فرمایا: جس شخص نے عاشورے کے دن کا روزہ رکھا اس کا اجر توریت، انجیل ، زبور اور قرآن میں جتنے حرف ہیں ان کی تعداد کے مطابق ہر حرف پر بیس نیکیاں ہونگی۔ جس شخص نے عاشورے کے دن کا روزہ رکھا اسے ایک ہزار شہیدوں کا ثواب ملے گا۔ (لطائف اشرفی ، صفحہ ٣٣٦)

حضور علیہ الصلوٰۃ والسلام نے فرمایا: جس شخص نے عاشورے کے دن کا روزہ رکھا خاموشی اور سکوت میں وہ روزہ اس کے اُس سال کے گناہوں اور خطاؤں کا کفارہ ہوگا، اور جو شخص کامل قیام، رکوع اور سجود کے ساتھ دو رکعت نماز خضوع سے پڑھے اللہ تعالیٰ فرمائے گا اس بندے کی جزا کیا ہونی چاہیے پس فرشتے عرض کریں گے کہ اللہ تعالیٰ تو ہی خوب جانتا ہے پھر اللہ تعالیٰ فرمائے گا اس کے حساب میں ہزار ہزار نیکیاں لکھی جائیں اور ہزار ہزار بدی مٹادی جائیں۔ اس کارتبہ ہزار ہزار درجے بلند کیا جائے۔ ہم نے اپنی بزرگی کے ہزار ہزار دروازے کھول دیے ہیں جو اس پر کبھی بند نہ کیے جائیں گے۔ (لطائف اشرفی ، صفحہ ٣٣٦)

ایصالِ ثواب برائے امام حسین رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ

امیر المومنین امام حسین رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ، کے ایصال ثواب کیلئے دورکعات نماز ادا کرے اور دونوں رکعتوں میں فاتحہ کے بعد دس بار سورہ اخلاص پڑھے ۔ سلام کے بعد نو ٩ نو ٩ بار آیت الکرسی اور درود شریف پڑھے۔ بیان کیا گیا ہے کہ حضرت امیر المومنین رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ، اس روز دو رکعت نماز ادا فرماتے تھے۔ اس کی پہلی رکعت میں فاتحہ کے بعد اَلَمْ نَشْرَحْ اور دوسری میں اِذَاجَآءَ پچیس پچیس بار پڑھے۔ (لطائف اشرفی ، صفحہ ٣٣٨)

ہر حاجت پوری ہوگی (انشاء اللہ)

جو شخص عاشورے کے روز حاجت کے لیے یہ دعا مانگے اس کی حاجت پوری ہوگی

بِسْمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْم اِلٰہِیْ بُحُرْمَتِ الْحُسَیْنِ وَ اَخِیْہِ وَ اُمِّّہِ وَ اَبِیْہِ وَجَدِّہِ وَ بَنِیْہِ فَرِّجْ عَمَّا اَنَا فِیْہِ وَصَلَّی اللّٰہُ عَلٰی خَیْرِ خَلْقِہ  مُحَمَّدٍ وَّاٰلِہ  اَجْمَعِیْنَ
(ترجمہ) اللہ کے نام سے شروع بڑا مہربان نہایت رحم والا۔ اے اللہ! حسین رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ، اُن کے بھائی، اُن کی والدہ، اُن کے والد اور اُن کے نانا کی حرمت کے واسطے سے میں جس حاجت میں ہوں وہ مجھ پر کھول دے ۔ اللہ تعالیٰ اپنے بہترین خلائق محمدا پر اور آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی تمام آل پر رحمت فرما۔ (لطائف اشرفی ، صفحہ ٣٣٨)

یومِ عاشورہ کے ممنوعات:

عاشورہ کے دن سیاہ کپڑے پہننا، سینہ کوبی کرنا، کپڑے پھاڑنا، بال نوچنا، نوحہ کرنا، پیٹنا، چھری چاقو سے بدن زخمی کرنا جیسا کہ رافضیوں کا طریقہ ہے حرام اور گناہ ہے اِیسے افعال شنیعہ سے اجتناب ِ کلی کرنا چاہیے۔ ایسے افعال پر سخت ترین وعیدیں آئی ہیں جن میں سے چند تحریر کی جاتی ہیں:

حدیث ١:

عبداللہ بن مسعود رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ، سے روایت ہے کہ فرمایا رسول خدا صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ  وسلم نے کہ ہمارے طریقے پر وہ نہیں ہے جو رخساروں کو مارے اور گریبان پھاڑے اور پکارے جاہلیت کا پکارنا۔ (فضائل الایام والشہور ، صفحہ ٢٦٤۔ بحوالہ مشکوۃ صفحہ ١٥٠)

حدیث ٢:

سیدنا حضرت ابو ہریرہ رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ، نے فرمایا کہ ابو موسیٰ رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ، پر بے ہوشی طاری ہوگئی پس آئی اس کی عورت جس کی کنیت ام عبداللہ تھی اس حال میں رونے کے ساتھ آواز کرتی تھی۔ جب ان کو افاقہ ہوا تو کہا کیا تو نہیں جانتی اور تھے ابو موسیٰ رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ، جو اس کو خبر دے رہے تھے کہ پیغمبر علیہ الصلوٰۃ والسلام نے فرمایا: میں بیزار ہوں اس شخص سے جو بال منڈائے اور بلند آواز سے روئے اور کپڑے پھاڑے۔

حدیث ٣:

سیدنا حضرت ابو مالک اشعری رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ، سے مروی ہے کہ رسولِ خدا صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم نے فرمایا چار خصلتیں میری امت میں جاہلیت کے کام سے پائی جاتی ہیں فخر کرنا، اپنے حسب میں طعن کرنا، عیب نکالنا لوگوں کی نسب میں، بارش طلب کرنا ستاروں سے اور ماتم میں نوحہ کرنا۔ اور فرمایا نوحہ کرنے والی مرنے سے قبل توبہ نہ کرے تو قیامت کے روز کھڑی کی جائے گی اس حال میں کہ گندھک کی قمیص اس پر ہوگی اور ایک قمیص خارش والی ہوگی۔

محرم الحرام شریف میں رونما ہونے والے اہم واقعات

٭عاشورہ کا روزہ رکھنے کا آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے حکم فرمایا ٭سیدتنا امّ کلثوم بنتِ رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کا نکاح حضرت عثمان ذوالنورین سے۔۔۔۔۔۔٣ھ ٭غزوہ خیبر۔۔۔۔۔۔٦ھ ٭عام الوفود (ساٹھ وفود آئے جنہیں سرکار علیہ الصلوٰۃ و السلام نے تعلیم دی اور تحائف بھی دیئے۔۔۔۔۔۔٩ھ ٭طاعون عمواس۔۔۔۔۔۔١٨ھ ٭وفات ابو عبیدہ رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ ٭امارت حضرت امیر معاویہ رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔١٩ھ ٭مصر میں عمرو بن العاص رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ کا داخلہ۔۔۔۔۔۔٢١ھ ٭فتح نہاوند۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٢ھ ٭شہادت حضرت امیر المؤمنین سیدنا عمر فاروق رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٤ھ٭خلافت حضرت عثمان رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٤ھ ٭فتح سابور ۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٦ھ ٭فتح قبرص۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٨ھ ٭واقعہ صفین۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٧ھ ٭وفات خوات رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ و عقبہ رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٠ھ ٭فتوحاتِ افریقہ۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٥ھ ٭وفات حضرت ابو ایوب انصاری رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔٥١ھ ٭وفات عبدالرحمن بن ابی بکر رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٣ھ ٭وفات سعد بن ابی وقاص رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٥ھ ٭وفات ام المؤمنین حضرت جویریہ رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہا۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٦ھ ٭وفات سمرۃ بن جندب رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔٦٠ھ ٭سانحہ کربلا(سیدنا امام عالی مقام امام حسین رضی اللہ عنہ اور ان کے ١٤٦ اصحاب کی شہادت عمل میں آئی)۔۔۔۔۔۔٦١ھ ٭وفات مسلم بن عقبہ (فاتح افریقہ)۔۔۔۔۔۔٦٤ ھ ٭خلافت مروان۔۔۔۔۔۔٦٥ھ ٭وفات عبداللہ بن عمر رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔٧٤ھ ٭فتح فرغانہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔٨٨ھ ٭فتح میورقہ و منورقہ۔۔۔۔۔۔٨٩ھ ٭وفات کریب موٹی بن عباس۔۔۔۔۔۔٩٨ھ ٭فتح غور۔۔۔۔۔۔١٠٨ھ ٭زید بن علی کی شہادت۔۔۔۔۔۔١٢٢ھ ٭مراکش و الجیریا میں جنگ۔۔۔۔۔۔١٢٣ھ ٭میسرہ کی مغرب میں بغاوت۔۔۔۔۔۔١٢٤ھ ٭ضحاک خارجی کا خروج اور قتل۔۔۔۔۔۔١٢٨ھ ٭ابو مسلم کا خراسان پر قبضہ۔۔۔۔۔۔١٣١ھ ٭بنو امیہ کا قتل عام ۔۔۔۔۔۔١٣٣ھ٭کوفہ سے انبار کو دار الخلافہ منتقل کیا گیا۔۔۔۔۔۔١٣٤ھ ٭وفات عطاء بن السائب الکونی۔۔۔۔۔۔١٣٦ھ ٭خلافت منصور العباسی۔۔۔۔۔۔١٣٧ھ ٭قیصر روم کی شکست۔۔۔۔۔۔١٣٨ھ ٭عطیہ کی دوبارہ آبادی۔۔۔۔۔۔١٣٩ھ ٭قلعہ مصیصہ کی تعمیر جدید۔۔۔۔۔۔١٤٠ھ ٭فرقہ راوندیہ کی ابتداء۔۔۔۔۔۔١٤١ھ ٭بغاوتِ ویلم ۔۔۔۔۔۔١٤٣ھ ٭محمد بن السفاح کی بغاوت۔۔۔۔۔۔١٤٤ھ ٭قبرص پر مکمل قبضہ۔۔۔۔۔۔١٤٦ھ ٭کفار آرمینا کی بغاوت۔۔۔۔۔۔١٤٧ھ ٭استاذ سیلس کا دعوائے نبوت۔۔۔۔۔۔١٥٠ھ ٭وفات محمد بن اسحق اخباری۔۔۔۔۔۔١٥١ھ ٭افریقہ میں اباضیہ کا زور۔۔۔۔۔۔١٥٣ھ ٭وفات سعید بن ابی عروبہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔١٥٦ھ ٭خالد برمکی پر جرمانہ۔۔۔۔۔۔١٥٨ھ ٭مسجد نبوی میں توسیع۔۔۔۔۔۔١٦١ھ ٭جنگ روم۔۔۔۔۔۔١٦٢ھ ٭وفاتِ خلیفہ المہدی العباسی۔۔۔۔۔۔١٦٩ھ ٭وفات عبدالواحد بن زید البصری۔۔۔۔۔۔١٧٧ھ ٭جعفر برمکی کا قتل ۔۔۔۔۔۔١٨٧ھ ٭ہارون کے فتوحاتِ روم۔۔۔۔۔۔١٩٠ھ ٭آزر بائیجان میں خرامیہ کا ظہور۔۔۔۔۔۔١٩٢ھ ٭امین اور مامون کے درمیان جنگ۔۔۔۔۔۔١٩٥ھ ٭وفات ابو نواس شاعر۔۔۔۔۔۔١٩٦ھ ٭خلیفہ امین الرشید کا قتل و غارت۔۔۔۔۔۔١٩٨ھ ٭عباسیوں کی مردم شماری۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٠٠ھ ٭دولت اغلبیہ کی ابتدائ۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٠١ھ ٭وفات یحییٰ بن مبارک نحوی۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٠٢ھ ٭وفات طاہر ذوالیمینن۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٠٧ھ ٭تفضیلِ علی کا سرکاری حکم۔۔۔۔۔۔٢١١ھ ٭وفات اسد بن انصرات المغربی۔۔۔۔۔۔٢١٣ھ ٭شہر طوانہ کی تعمیر ۔۔۔۔۔۔٢١٨ھ ٭بابک الخرمی کا قتل۔۔۔۔۔۔١٢٣ھ ٭فرغانہ میں شدید زلزلہ۔۔۔۔۔۔١٢٤ھ ٭مکہ میں سخت گرانی۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٢٨ھ ٭شہادت احمد الخزاعی۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٣١ھ ٭عراق میں آندھی۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٣٤ھ ٭وفات اسحق موصلی الندیم۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٣٥ھ ٭متوکل نے کربلا کے تمام نشانات مٹادئیے۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٣٦ھ ٭وفات حافظ احمد الاشقر۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٤٣ھ ٭وفات وعبل الشاعر ۔۔۔۔۔۔ ٢٤٦ھ ٭قتل المستعین و خلافت المعتز۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٥٢ھ ٭وفات حافظ احمد بن سعید الدارمی۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٥٣ھ ٭دولت صفاریہ کی ابتداء۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٥٤ھ ٭بصرہ میں زنگیوں کی شورش۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٥٧ھ ٭واسط میں زنگیوں کا فساد۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٦٤ھ ٭وفات ابو معشر المنجم۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٧١ھ ٭مصر میں زلزلہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٧٢ھ ٭جنگ مابین خمارویہ و ابن الساج۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٧٦ھ ٭وفات ابو حاتم الرزی۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٧٧ھ ٭قرامطہ کا ظہور۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٧٨ھ ٭منجموں کی بندش۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٧٩ھ ٭سرکاری جشنِ نوروز کی ممانعت۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٨٣ھ ٭قرمطیوں سے جنگ۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٨٧ھ ٭وفات ثابن بن قرۃ الحکیم۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٨٨ھ ٭وفات محدث ابوبکر البزاز صاحب المسند۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٩٢ھ ٭وفات ابو العباس، الشاعر المتکلم۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٩٣ھ ٭شام میں قرامطہ کے مظالم۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٩٤ھ ٭وفات ابو العباس ابن مسروق ۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٩٨ھ ٭وزیر ابن الفرات کی گرفتاری۔۔۔۔۔۔٢٩٩ھ ٭وفات زندیق الراوندی۔۔۔۔۔۔ ٣٠١ھ ٭رومیوں کے خلاف جہاد۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٠٤ھ ٭رومیوں کا سفیر بغداد آیا۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٠٥ھ ٭وفات محدث ابو یعلی الموصلی صاحب المسند۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٠٧ھ ٭مصر پر عباسیوں کا قبضہ۔۔۔۔۔۔ ٣٠٩ھ ٭بصرہ میں قرامطہ کے مظالم۔۔۔۔۔۔٣١١ھ ٭فتح فرغانہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔٣١٢ھ ٭ابوعلی بن مقلہ وزیر ہوا ۔۔۔۔۔۔٣١٦ھ ٭ابو منصور القاھر العباسی کی صرف دو یوم کی خلافت۔۔۔۔۔۔٣١٨ھ ٭وفات شیخ المعتزلہ الکعبی۔۔۔۔۔۔٣١٩ھ ٭ویلمیوں کا فارس پر قبضہ۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٢٠ھ ٭اصفہان میں قحط۔۔۔۔۔۔ ٣٢٤ھ ٭خلیفہ ئ عباسی کے قبضہ میں صرف بغداد رہ گیا۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٢٥ھ ٭البیریدی وزیر ہوا ۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٢٦ھ ٭بغداد میں قحط اور وباء ۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٣٠ھ ٭وفت حافظ ابن عقدہ۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٣٢ھ ٭بغداد میں سیلاب۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٣٧ھ ٭شعیہ سنی فسادات۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٣٨ھ ٭قرامطہ کا استیصال ۔۔۔۔۔۔ ٣٤٠ھ ٭وفات ابو علی اصفار النحوی۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٤١ھ ٭سیف الدولہ کی رومیوں پر فتح۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٤٢ھ ٭وفات شیخ الکوفہ ابو الحسن۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٤٣ھ ٭عراق میں روزبہاں کی بغاوت۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٤٥ھ ٭عراق و شام پر رومیوں کا حملہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٤٧ھ ٭شعیہ سنی فسادات۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٤٨ھ ٭دو٢ لاکھ تُرک اسلام پر ایمان لائے۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٤٩ھ ٭وفات فاتک مجنون رومی۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٥٠ھ ٭شام پر رومیوں کے حملے اور مظالم ۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٥١ ٭نوحہ، ماتم اور مراسم محرم کی ابتداء ۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٥٢ھ ٭وفات ابو علی السکن۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٥٣ھ ٭وفات ابو بکر الحداد مصری ۔۔۔۔۔۔ ٣٥٤ھ ٭وفات قاضی منذر البلوطی۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٥٥ھ ٭سرکاری طور پر جبراً ماتم۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٥٦ھ ٭وفا احمد السندی۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٥٩ھ ٭دمشق پر فاطمیوں کا قبضہ۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٦٠ھ ٭وفات معرمول خلیفہ المطیع العباسی۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٦٤ھ ٭وفات ابو بکر احمد ختلی۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٦٥ھ ٭نوبت بجنے کی ابتداء۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٦٨ھ ٭وفات حافظ ابو الشیخ۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٦٩ھ ٭وفات ابن خالویہ نحوی۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٧٠ھ ٭بغداد میں شدید قحط۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٧٢ھ ٭شمس الدولہ ابن البویہ کی ولادت۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٧٣ھ ٭دنیا کی سب سے بڑی رصد گاہ بغداد میں تعمیر کی گئی۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٧٨ھ ٭وفات ابو جعفر المتکلم الجوہری۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٧٩ھ ٭وفات الوزیر الیہودی بن کلبی۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٨٩ھ ٭جے پال سے دوسری جنگ۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٨١ھ ٭بغداد میں فوجی فسادات۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٨٢ھ ٭وفات فقیہ ابن بطۃ العکبری۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٨٧ھ ٭شدتِ سرما(بغداد)۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٨٨ھ ٭وفات ابو عمر و الباجی۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٩٦ھ ٭ظہور ابورکوہ مدعی امامت۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٩٧ھ ٭بغداد میں فسادات۔۔۔۔۔۔٣٩٨ھ ٭وفات ابن میمون الطلیطلی ۔۔۔۔۔۔ ٤٠٠ھ ٭موصل میں فاطمی خطبہ۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٠١ھ ٭تحقیق نسب نامہئ عبیدین۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٠٢ھ ٭وفات حافظ سلیمان البیکندی ۔۔۔۔۔۔ ٤٠٤ھ ٭اندلس میں علی الناصر بن جمود حاکم ہوا۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٠٧ھ ٭بغداد میں فسادات۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٠٨ھ ٭وفات قاضی منصور ہراتی۔۔۔۔۔۔٤١٠ھ ٭ایک مصری باطنی نے حجر اسود کو ہتھوڑا مار کر توڑ دیا۔۔۔۔۔۔٤١٣ھ ٭وفات ابو عبداللہ الغفاری ۔۔۔۔۔۔٤١٤ھ ٭وفات ابو اسحق الاسفرائینی۔۔۔۔۔۔٤١٨ھ ٭عراق میں شدید ژالہ باری۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٢٠ھ ٭مسعود غزنوی نے اصفہان کو تاراج کیا۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٣٢ھ ٭وفات امام المفسرین ابو اسحق۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٢٧ھ ٭وفات ابو بکر الاصبہانی صاحب۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٢٨ھ ٭وفات ابو یعقوب القراب۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٢٩ھ ٭وفات ابو نعیم الاصبہانی۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٣٠ھ ٭فاطمیوں نے ابو بکر نام رکھنے کی ممانعت کردی۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٣١ھ ٭وفات امیر قرطبہ جمہور بن محمد ۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٣٥ھ ٭بغداد میں اذان کے ساتھ نوبت۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٣٦ھ ٭وفات ابو علی المالکی صاحب الرومنہ۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٣٨ھ ٭مراکش میں الجیریا میں دوبارہ عباسی خطبہ۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٤٩ھ ٭بغداد میں فرقہ وارانہ فسادات۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٤٣ھ ٭وفات ابو القاسم التنوخی۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٤٧ھ ٭مصر میں قحط اور وبائ۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٤٨ھ ٭عراق میں شدید قحط اور وباء۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٤٩ھ ٭وفات ابو القاسم الغفاف۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٥٠ھ ٭وفات ابو الفضل بن عمروس۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٥٢ھ ٭وفات محمد بن حمدون السلمی۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٥٥ھ ٭وفات خدیجہ بغدادیہ٤٦٠ھ ٭وفات ابو القاسم محمود الفورانی۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٦١ھ ٭شام میں زلزلہ۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٦٢ھ ٭قتل ابو شجاع۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٦٥ھ ٭عراق مین زبردست سیلاب۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٦٦ھ ٭طلیطلہ پر عیسائیوں کا قبضہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٧٨ھ ٭حرمین میں عباسیوں کے نام کا خطبہ۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٧٩ھ ٭شہادت عبدالملک الیصری ۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٨٤ھ ٭شہادت نظام الملک الوزیر۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٨٥ھ ٭وفات شیخ الاسلام الہکاری۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٨٦ھ ٭وفات المقتدی العباسی و خلافت المستظہر۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٨٧ھ ٭وفات ابو الفضل ابن خیرون۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٨٨ھ ٭وفات ابو طاہر الباقلانی۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٨٩ھ ٭وفات العقبہ نصر النابلسی۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٩٠ھ ٭عیسائیوں نے شام میں مسلمانوں کا قتل عام کیا۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٢٩ھ ٭حسن بن صباح کا خوف چھاگیا۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٩٤ھ ٭فرنگیوں کا عکہ پر قبضہ۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٩٧ھ ٭نہاوند مجیں ایک مدعی نبوت کا قتل۔۔۔۔۔۔٤٩٩ھ ٭وفات یوسف بن تاشفین بانی مراکش۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٠٠ھ ٭فخر الاسلام قاضی الرویانی کو باطنیوں نے جامع آملہ میں قتل کردیا۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٠٢ھ ٭وفات ابو الحسن لکیاہراسی۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٠٤ھ ٭وفات ابو الحسن العلاف۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٠٥ھ ٭وفات ابو الحسن الدامغانی ۔۔۔۔۔۔٥١٣ھ ٭ایوان حکومت میں آگ لگ گئی (بغداد)۔۔۔۔۔۔٥١٥ھ ٭خلیفہ المسترشد نے دبیس کوشکست دی۔۔۔۔۔۔٥١٧ھ ٭شہر صور پر فرنگیوں کا قبضہ۔۔۔۔۔۔٥١٨ھ ٭دمشق میں قتل عام ۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٢٣ھ ٭بغداد میں اڑنے والے بچھو پیدا ہوگئے۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٢٤ھ ٭قتل ابو الحسن بن ابی یعلی ۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٢٦ھ ٭وفات ابو علی الفارقی۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٢٨ھ ٭وفات علی بن عطیہ الشاعر۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٢٩ھ ٭سلطان سنجر اور کفار تاتار میں جنگ عظیم۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٣٦ھ ٭وفات عبدالوہاب الانماطی۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٣٨ھ ٭وفات ابو منصور الجوالیقی۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٤٠ھ ٭طرابلس میں فرنگیوں کا قبضہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٤١ھ ٭نورالدین محمود زنگی نے فرنگیوں سے تین قلعے واپس لئے۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٤٢ھ٭وفات محمد بن غلام الفرس الدانی۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٤٧ھ ٭بغداد میں کئی بار آگ لگی۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٥١ھ ٭شام کے تیرہ شہر زلزلہ سے تباہ ہوگئے۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٥٢ھ ٭نور الدین کے سامنے سے فرنگیوں کی فراری۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٥٨ھ ٭بغداد میں رافضیوں کی بے اعتدالیاں۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٦١ھ ٭وفات ہبۃ اللہ الدقاقی۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٦٢ھ ٭شام میں زلزلہ (٨٠ہزار ہلاک)۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٦٥ھ ٭نور الدین کی فتوحات ۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٦٦ھ ٭آخری فاطمی امام العاضد کی معزولی اور عباسی خطبہ کا اجرائ٭٥٦٧ھ ٭مسلمانوں نے یمن اور طرابلس الغرب فتح کیا۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٦٨ھ ٭وفات و عبل بن کارہ الفقیہ الحریمی۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٦٩ھ ٭فصیل قاہرہ کی بنیاد۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٧٢ھ ٭واقعہ الرملہ(فرنگیوں نے لاکھوں مسلمانوں کو شہید کیا) ۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٧٣ھ ٭بغداد میں ابن فرایا کا قتل۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٧٤ھ ٭پرنس ارناٹ کی مدینہ منورہ کی طرف فوج کشی اور عزیزالدین فرخشاہ کی مدافعت ازناٹ کی شکست۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٧٧ھ ٭وفات اسد بن المطران الطیب۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٨٧ھ ٭علاؤالدین خوارزم شاہ کا بخارا پر قبضہ۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٩٤ھ ٭وفات عماؤالدین الملک العزیز۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٩٥ھ ٭مصر میں قحط۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٩٧ھ ٭وفات القاضی ابو بکر الاموری۔۔۔۔۔۔٥٩٩ھ ٭وفات روز یہاں صوفی مفسر۔۔۔۔۔۔٦٠٦ھ ٭وفات اثیر الدین الاخسکیتی۔۔۔۔۔۔٦٠٨ھ ٭حکومت ناصر الدین محمود(دہلی) ۔۔۔۔۔۔٦٤٤ھ ٭وفات سیف الدین امیر لاچین پدر امیر خسرو۔۔۔۔۔۔٦٥١ھ ٭ہلاکو خان نے بغداد کو تاراج کردیا۔۔۔۔۔۔٦٥٦ھ ٭خلافت الحاکم الاول عباسی۔۔۔۔۔۔٦٦١ھ ٭وفات حضرت بابا فرید گنج شکر(پاک پٹن شریف) ۔۔۔۔۔۔٦٦٤ھ ٭وفات یحییٰ حلی فقیہ شعیہ۔۔۔۔۔۔٦٧٩ھ ٭شام پر تاتاریوں کا حملہ اور شکست۔۔۔۔۔۔٦٨١ھ ٭تخت نشینی عثمان بانی دولت عثمانیہ۔۔۔۔۔۔٦٩٩ھ ٭قتل زید یق فتح الدین ۔۔۔۔۔۔٧٠١ھ ٭حکومت قطب الدین مبارک خلجی۔۔۔۔۔۔٧١٦ھ ٭وفات ملا کمال کاشی۔۔۔۔۔۔ ٧٢٠ھ ٭حکومت فیروز تغلق۔۔۔۔۔۔٧٥٢ھ ٭وفات خلیل بن کیکلدی۔۔۔۔۔۔٧٦١ھ ٭تخت نشینی بایزید یلدرم عثمانی و محمد تغلق۔۔۔۔۔۔٧٩٢ھ ٭وفات سعد الدین تفتازانی۔۔۔۔۔۔٧٩٢ھ ٭وفات جمالدین البہنسی۔۔۔۔۔۔٨٠٥ھ ٭وفات شمس الدین محمد الشویکی۔۔۔۔۔۔٨١٣ھ ٭شہادت علامہ ابن الخاس مصنف مصارح العشاق۔۔۔۔۔۔٨١٤ھ ٭وفات شہاب الدین بن حجی۔۔۔۔۔۔٨١٦ھ ٭مصر میں طاعون اور قحط۔۔۔۔۔۔٨١٨ھ ٭قتل نسیم الدین شیخ الحروفیہ۔۔۔۔۔۔٨٢٠ھ ٭وفات برہان الدین ابن عذار۔۔۔۔۔۔٨٢٥ھ ٭مدینہ منورہ میں سنیوں کا قتل۔۔۔۔۔۔٨٢٩ھ ٭وفات شمس الدین عجلوکی۔۔۔۔۔۔٨٣١ھ ٭وفات زین الدین ابن الخراط الشاعر۔۔۔۔۔۔٨٤٠ھ ٭وفات قاسم انوار۔۔۔۔۔۔٨٤٥ھ ٭وفات شمس الدین القایاتی۔۔۔۔۔۔٨٥٠ھ ٭خلافت حمزہ القاسم و تخت نشینی محمد الفاتح عثمانی۔۔۔۔۔۔٨٥٥ھ ٭وفات جلال الدین المحل۔۔۔۔۔۔٨٦٤ھ ٭خلافت المتوکل ثانی ۔۔۔۔۔۔٨٨٤ھ ٭وفات قاضی ابن الشحنہ حنفی۔۔۔۔۔۔٨٩٠ھ ٭مصر میں قحط۔۔۔۔۔۔٨٩٢ھ ٭مصر میں قحط۔۔۔۔۔۔٨٩٤ھ ٭وفات حضرت مولانا عبد الرحمن جامی (عاشق رسول ا)۔۔۔۔۔۔٨٩٨ھ ٭فتح الباری شرح بخاری مکہ سے یمن (زبیدہ) لائی گئی ۔۔۔۔۔۔٩٠١ھ ٭وفات عبدالرحمن الہجرانی۔۔۔۔۔۔٩٠٣ھ ٭وفات جلال الدین دوانی۔۔۔۔۔۔٩٠٨ھ ٭یمن میں شدید طوفان بادوباراں۔۔۔۔۔۔٩١١ھ ٭وفات کبیر داس ۔۔۔۔۔۔٩١٥ھ ٭وفات امام قسطلانی شارح بخاری۔۔۔۔۔۔٩٢٣ھ ٭وفات نور الدین الاشمونی ۔۔۔۔۔۔ ٩٢٩ھ ٭وفات خوند میر (قانون ہمایوں)۔۔۔۔۔۔٩٤٢ھ ٭حکومت شیر شاہ سوری۔۔۔۔۔۔٩٤٧ھ ٭قتل ہیمول بقال۔۔۔۔۔۔٩٦٤ھ ٭کشمیر میں حکومت غازی خاں چوک۔۔۔۔۔۔٩٦٧ھ ٭وفات محمد غوث گوالیاری۔۔۔۔۔۔٩٧٠ھ ٭مکہ مکرمہ میں سیلاب۔۔۔۔۔۔٩٧١ھ ٭وفات عبداللہ الغاکہی ۔۔۔۔۔۔٩٧٢ھ ٭وفات سراج الدین عمر العید روس (عدن)۔۔۔۔۔۔١٠٠٠ھ ٭وفات فیضی علامہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔ ١٠٠٤ھ ٭قتل نور اللہ شوستری۔۔۔۔۔۔١٠١٩ھ ٭وفات صائب تبریزی۔۔۔۔۔۔١٠٨٠ھ ٭خلافت سلیمان ثانی۔۔۔۔۔۔١٠٩٩ھ ٭وفات باقر مجلسی۔۔۔۔۔۔١١١٠ھ ٭وفات نعمت خان عالی ۔۔۔۔۔۔١١٢٠ھ ٭وفات مرزا عبدالقادر بیدل۔۔۔۔۔۔١١٣٣ھ ٭وفات کلیم اللہ جہاں آبادی ۔۔۔۔۔۔١١٤٠ھ ٭محمد بن سعود اور محمد بن عبدالوہاب نجدی نے تلوار کے زور سے وہابیت پھیلانا شروع کی۔۔۔۔۔۔١١٥٩ھ ٭کریم خان زند نے صفوی حکومت ختم کردی (حسین ثانی) ۔۔۔۔۔۔١١٦٦ھ ٭ولادت ٹیپو سلطان شہید ۔۔۔۔۔۔١١٦٦ھ ٭وفات امیر تقی خیالؔ۔۔۔۔۔۔١١٧٠ھ ٭وفات میر قاسم صوبہ دار بنگالہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔١١٩١ھ ٭وفات مرزا مظہر جان جانان۔۔۔۔۔۔١١٩٥ھ ٭وفات کمالؔ گیاوی (کمال الحکمۃ)۔۔۔۔۔۔ ١٢١٥ھ ٭سعود بن عبد العزیز فاتحانہ مکہ میں آیا ۔۔۔۔۔۔١٢١٨ھ٭وفات میر تقی میرؔ ۔۔۔۔۔۔١٢٢٥ھ ٭وفات حافظ دراز پشاوری (شارح پشاوری) ۔۔۔۔۔۔١٢٦٣ھ ٭قتل علی محمد باب قرۃ العین۔۔۔۔۔۔١٢٦٦ھ ٭وفات مرزا دبیر لکھنوی۔۔۔۔۔۔١٢٩٢ھ ٭وفات سوامی دیانند سرسوتی(بانی آریہ دھرم) ۔۔۔۔۔۔١٣٠٢ھ ٭وفات واجد علی شاہ (کلکتہ)۔۔۔۔۔۔١٣٠٥ھ ٭وفات حاجی وارث علی۔۔۔۔۔۔١٣٢٣ھ ٭وفات محمد حسین آزاد۔۔۔۔۔۔١٣٢٨ھ ٭وفات شمس الحق عظیم آبادی (شارح ابو داؤد)۔۔۔۔۔۔١٣٢٩ھ ٭وفات مفتی لطف اللہ علیگڑھ۔۔۔۔۔۔١٣٣٥ھ ٭قیام جامعہ ملیہ اسلامیہ۔۔۔۔۔۔١٣٣٩ھ ٭وفات اکبر ؔالہ آبادی۔۔۔۔۔۔١٣٤٠ھ ٭وفات انور شاہ کشمیری (دیوبندی)۔۔۔۔۔۔١٣٥١ھ ٭آزادی مصر ۔۔۔۔۔۔ ١٣٥٥ھ ٭قتل لیاقت علی خاں وزیر اعظم پاکستان۔۔۔۔۔۔١٣٧١ھ٭آزادی صومالیہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔ ١٣٨٠ھ ٭یمن میں جمہوریت۔۔۔۔۔۔١٣٨٣ھ ٭وفات سید عبدالاحد فائق۔۔۔۔۔۔١٣٨٤ھ ٭ وصال مفتی اعظم شہزادہ اعلیٰ حضرت علامہ محمد مصطفی رضا خان صاحب علیہ الرحمہ ١٤٠٢ھ

محرم الحرام میں وفات پانے والے بزرگان دین رضی اللہ عنہم اجمعین

یکم محرم الحرام

٭خلیفہ دوم امیر المؤمنین سیدنا عمر فاروق اعظم رضی اللہ عنہ،٭حضرت ابو بکر محمد بن ابراہیم سوسی ٣٨٦ھ ٭حضرت شیخ الشیوخ ابو حفص شہاب الدین عمر سہروردی ٦٣٢ھ ٭حضرت شاہزادہ محمد داراشکوہ قادری ١٠٧٠ھ ٭حضرت جیو مجددی پشاوری

٢ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت شیخ اسد الدین معروف کرخی محکم الافلاک ٢٠٠ھ ٭حضرت ابو عبدالرحمن حاتم اصم ٢٣٧ھ ٭حضرت احمد بن عبدالواسع ٦٠٩ھ ٭حضرت سید عقیق اسواد ابدال ١٠٠٠ھ ٭حضرت خواجہ معین الدین نقشبندی کشمیری ١٠٨٥ھ

٣محرم الحرام

٭حضرت شیخ سعید قیروانی ٢١١ھ ٭حضرت شیخ تقی الدین احمر صوفی ٥٩٥ھ ٭حضرت مخدوم سالار نوشہ صفات فیض آبادی ٩٨٩ھ ٭حضرت شاہ محی الدین دہلوی ١٢٨٩ھ ٭حضرت حافظ عبدالستا خالصپوری ١٢٩٨ھ ٭حضرت ابو الحسن تہکاری

٤ محرم الحرام

٭امام الاولیا حضرت سیدنا خواجہ حسن بصری ٭حضرت سید حمید لاہوری ١٠٩٠ھ ٭حضرت اخون درویزد نگرہاری ٨٩٧ھ ٭حضرت میر محمد بن احمد کشمیری ١٠١١ھ ٭حضرت میر فضل علی لاہوری ١١٦٠ھ ٭

٥ محرم الحرام

حضرت رفیع الدین مجذوب قلندری٭حضرت شیخ حجاج سرقندی ٣٤٢ھ حضرت ابو الفرح یوسف طرطوسی ٤٦١ھ ٭حضرت عوض علی شاہ ٭حضرت فردالاولیا شیخ العالم خواجہ فرید الدین مسعود گنج شکر ٦٦٤ھ ٭حضرت ابو اسحق لاہوری٩٨٥ھ ٭حضرت خواجہ احمد مہروی چشتی ١٣٣٠ھ

٦ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت سیدی عبداللہ بن مسلمہ قعبنی ٢٢١ھ ٭حضرت ابو القاسم ابراہیم نصرآبادی ٣٦٧ھ

٧ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت سید امام مہدی بن امام حسین رضی اللہ عنہ،٭حضرت امام احمد غزالی ٥١٧ھ ٭حضرت سید شہاب الدین احمد قسطلانی ٩٢٣ھ ٭حضرت حاجی محمد ہاشم گیلانی لاہوری ١٠٨٧ھ ٭حضرت شیخ محمد عاشق معشوف صفات ١١٩٩ھ ٭حضرت شاہ محمد آفاق ١٢٥١ھ ٭حضرت فضیل بن عیاض

٨ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت سیدی ابی نعیم احمد اصفہانی (صاحب مستخرج صحیح مسلم) ٤٠٣ھ ٭حضرت شیخ ابو الفتح بغدادی ٩٥٩ھ ٭حضرت شیخ محمد طاہر لاہوری ١٠٤٠ھ ٭حضرت شاہ محمد آفاق نقشبندی مجددی ١٢٥١ھ ٭مناظر اہلسنّت مولانا حشمت علی خاں ١٣٨٠ھ ٭شیخ عبدالغفور اخوند

٩ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت شیخ جعفر کوفی ٢٢٢ھ ٭حضرت شیخ ابو القاسم میردانی٢٧٨ھ ٭حضرت شمس الدین مرزا مظہر جان جانان الملقب بہ حبیب اللہ ٥٩٠ھ ٭حضرت سید بہاؤالدین عرف محمود کرخی ٦٠٢ھ ٭حضرت ابو الفتح حفظی کنتوری لکھنوی١٢٠٤ھ ٭حضرت خواجہ گل محمد احمد پوری ١٢٤٣ھ ٭حضرت سیدنا علی ہجویری داتا گنج بخش

١٠ محرم الحرام

٭ام المؤمنین حضرت خدیجۃ الکبری رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہا٭ حضرت امام حسین بن علی رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عہنما ٦٠ھ ٭حضرت خواجہ ابو الفر بُشر حافی بغدادی ٢٢٧ھ٭حضرت شیخ فارس ٣٤٢ھ ٭حضرت ابو الحسن علی فرقانی ٤٤٥ھ ٭حضرت شیخ شہاب الدین یحییٰ مقبول سہروردی ٥٧٧ھ ٭حضرت اوحد الدین عبداللہ بلیانی ٦٨٦ھ ٭حضرت شاہ لطف اللہ ٨٧١ھ ٭مولوی برکت اللہ مارہروی ١١٤٢ھ٭حضرت اخوند حافظ عبدالعزیز دہلوی١٢٩٦ھ ٭حضرت سید شاہ برکت اللہ مارہروی ١١٤٣ھ

١١ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت ابو بکر محمد رازی ٣١٠ھ ٭حضرت شیخ بنان جمال مصری ٣١٦ھ ٭حضرت احمد بن محمد معروف بہ شیخ جعفر الخداد بصری ٣٤١ھ ٭حضرت عبداللہ شامی ٣٥٧ھ ٭حضرت ابو الفضائل عین القضاہ عبداللہ ہمدانی ٥٣٣ھ ٭حضرت ابو عمر و عثمان قرشی ٥٦٤ھ ٭حضرت سلمان ملتانی ٧٣٧ھ ٭حضرت خواجہ محمد یحییٰ بن خواجہ احرار ٩٠٦ھ ٭حضرت شیخ حسین خوارزمی ٩٥٦ھ ٭حضرت سید نورالدین بغدادی ٩٩٩ھ ٭حضرت حافظ برخوردار گنگوہی ١١٦٢ھ ٭حضرت خواجہ عبدالباقی حیات الجسد ١٢٠١ھ ٭حضرت مولانا غریب شاکر آزاد ١٢٦٧ھ

١٢ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت ابو محمد سہیل بن عبداللہ تستری ٢٨٣ھ ٭حضرت ابو بکر علی طرطوسی ٣٧٤ھ ٭حضرت شیخ محمد قادری بغدادی ٦٢٧ھ ٭حضرت محی الدین عربی مکی ٦١٣ھ ٭حضرت شیخ فخر الدین محبوبی ٧٢٧ھ ٭حضرت شیخ محمد سعدی وجوب حیرت ٨١٩ھ ٭حضرت ابو الفضل محمد بغدادی ٨٤٦ھ ٭حضرت سید غیاث اللہ کانپوری ١١٣٧ھ ٭حضرت حاجی عبداللہ آبریز مکی ١٢٠٠ھ ٭شیخ صفی الموسوی٭حضرت خواجہ محمد ضیاء الدین سیالوی

١٣ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت شیخ غلان واسطی ٢٨٦ھ٭حضرت ابو بکر محمد واسطی مروزی ٣٠٨ھ ٭حضرت سید کریم مشغول سمنانی ٤٧٥ھ ٭حضرت عماد الدین عمار یا سر سہروردی ٥٩٩ھ ٭حضرت شیخ نجیب الدین فردوسی دہلوی ٧٣٣ھ ٭حضرت محمد معزالدین اجودہنی ٧٤٩ھ ٭حضرت شیخ محمد قادری بغدادی ٧٨٢ھ٭حضرت شاہ محمد بلخی ٨٩٩ھ ٭حضرت عبدالرحمن یمنی ٩٠٨ھ ٭حضرت عبدالقادر قدرت حق بغدادی ٩٦٩ھ ٭حضرت مولوی خیر الدین ١١٤٧ھ ٭حضرت علامہ غلام حید راجکوٹی ١٣٧٩ھ

١٤ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت ابو الحسن مالکی ٢٧٧ھ٭حضرت خواجہ کریم الدین علو ممشاد دینوی ٢٩٩ھ ٭حضرت خواجہ ابو محمد ٣٢١ھ ٭حضرت ابو بکر محمد مصری ٣٤٥ھ ٭حضرت خواجہ اختیار الدین عمر ٨٩٠ھ ٭حضرت شیخ سلیمان مندوی ٩٤٤ھ ٭حضرت شیخ محمد حیات ٩٩٤ھ ٭حضرت شیخ عبدالکریم انصاری ١٠٢٤ھ ٭حضرت اخون الہ دل ١١٥٧ھ ٭حضرت سید شاہ حمزہ مارہروی ١١٩٨ھ ٭حضرت سید محمد عبداللہ بغدادی ١٢٠٧ھ ٭حضرت مفتی اعظم مولانا مصطفٰی رضا نوری بریلوی ٭حضرت سید عبدالقدیر میاں ٭حضرت شاہ عبداللہ بغدادی

١٥ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت شیخ ابو محمد بن ابی نصر٦٠٦ھ ٭حضرت شیخ عیسی مغربی ١٠٩٧ھ ٭مولوی مظہر حسین کاندھلوی ١٢٨٢ھ٭حضرت میاں علی محمد چشتی

١٦ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت سیدی عبداللہ صاحب مسند داری سمرقندی ٢٥٥ھ ٭حضرت ابو الفرح فراغی بصری٤٩٧ھ ٭حضرت درویش محمد بن قاسم اودہے ٨٩٩ھ ٭حضرت شاہ قطب الدین ١٠٢١ھ ٭حضرت بابا نصیب الدین غازی کشمیری ١٠٤٧ھ ٭حضرت سید نتھے خان جی مفاد الاکرام ١١٩٥ھ ٭پیر چراغ علی شاہ ١٣٨٩ھ

١٧ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت ابو محمد کشادن روح ٧٩٣ھ ٭حضرت شاہ فضیل مرتبہ الوہیت ٩٩٩ھ ٭حضرت گلزار شاہ کشوی ١٢٦٨ھ ٭مولوی غلام محمد ترنم امرتسری ١٣٧٩ھ ٭حضرت پیر سید جماعت علی شاہ٭حضرت شاہ ابو الرضا محمد

١٨ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت امام المسلمین سیدنا علی زین العابدین رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ ٩٤ھ ٭حضرت شیخ شہاب الدین احمد الزاہد ٢٢٩ھ ٭حضرت شیخ ابو القاسم بن غیاث الدین ٥١١ھ ٭حضرت نور الدین عبدالرحمن جامی ٨٩٨ھ ٭حضرت مخدوم شاہ صفی عرف عبدالصمد ٩٤٥ھ ٭حضرت دیوان محمد ابراہیم اجودہنی ١٠٣١ھ ٭حضرت قطب الدین بن مولانا فخر ١٢٣٣ھ ٭

١٩ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت سیدنا احمد جیلانی٭حضرت احمد قدیر ٥٣٧ھ ٭حضرت میر سید احمد جیلانی ٨٥٣ھ ٭حضرت مولانا درویش محمد اسفراری ٩٧٠ھ ٭حضرت مولانا محمد درویش ہراتی ٩٨٥ھ ٭حضرتر شیخ محمد صادق گنگوہی ١٠٥٣ھ ٭حضرت محی الدین بن یوسف یحییٰ چشتی مدنی ١١١٣ھ ٭حضرت شاہ غلام نبی لاہوری ١٢٤٧ھ ٭

٢٠ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت کرکم ضحاک بصری ٦٠٦ھ

٢١ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت او العباس عبداللہ بُستی ٣٠٤ھ ٭حضرت ابوالعباس احمد حریثی ٣١١ھ ٭حضرت ابو بکر قطبی ٣٦٨ھ ٭حضرت شیخ عبدالجلیل تلمسانی ٣٩٧ھ ٭حضرت شیخ الحرمین ابوالمعالی عبدالملک مکی ٥٤٦ھ ٭حضرت شیخ عدی بن مسافر شامی ہنکاری ٥٥٧ھ ٭حضرت شیخ یونس سیستانی ٦١٩ھ ٭حضرت ظہیر الدین عبدالرحمن بن علی برغش ٧١٦ھ ٭حضرت شاہ سید احمد بخاری ٧٩٩ھ ٭حضرت کرم عدیم بن قاسم انوار ٨٢٣ھ ٭حضرت عبدالنعیم سالک نیشاپوری ٨٤٢ھ ٭حضرت شیخ محمد شریف شوک بابا کشمیری ١٠٢٧ھ ٭حضرت اکسیر عشق ابو المجد پیر محمد سلونی ١٠٩٩ھ ٭خواجہ عبدالرسول قصوری ١٢٩٤ھ ٭حضرت شاہ ابو الفیاض (پٹنہ)

٢٢ محرم الحرام

٭ حضرت شیخ ابو الفتح حمصی٣٠٧ھ ٭حضرت شیخ عبدالجلیل نیشاپوری ٥١٣ھ ٭حضرت محمد شاہ نیک اختر نوشاہی ١٣٣٧ھ ٭حضرت سید اصغر حسین ١٣٦٤ھ ٭حضرت سیدنا امام حسن عسکری رضی اللہ عنہ،

٢٣ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت مجد الدین بغدادی ٦١٩ھ ٭حضرت شیخ امام الدین قادری پلوسی

٢٤ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت سید حمزہ اصغر بغدادی ٭شاہ ابو الحسن پھلواری ١٣٦٥ھ

٢٥ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت ابو الحسن علی ہنکاری ٤٨٢ھ ٭حضرت ابو الحسن علی بن محمد٤٨٦ھ ٭حضرت حافظ عبدالوہاب خالصپوری ١٣١٢ھ ٭حافظ محمد خلیل الرحمن قادری نقشبندی ١٣١٩ھ ٭مولوی مفتی غلام جان ہزاروی ١٣٧٩ھ ٭حضرت شاہ ولی اللہ محدثِ دہلوی

٢٦ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت قاضی عبدالمقتدر دہلوی ٧٩١ھ ٭حضرت بابا تاج الدین ناگ پوری

٢٧ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت ابو بکر محمدابن داؤد ٣٥٤ھ٭حضرت ابو العباس احمد اسود دینوری ٣٦٧ھ ٭حضرت شیخ ابو داؤد سنجانی طوسی ٤٦٧ھ ٭حضرت ابو سعید شیخ بخاری٥٠١ھ ٭حضرت مخدوم اشرف جہانگیر سمنانی ٨٠٨ھ ٭حضرت شیخ اسلم کشمیری ١٢١٢ھ

٢٨ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت ابی الحسن علی دمشقی ٢٨٦ھ ٭حضرت انس بن مالک صخادم ِ نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ٥٤ھ٭حضرت شیخ ابو حدین شعیب مغربی ٥٩٠ھ ٭مولوی چراغ علی شاہ قادری محبت پوری ١٣٦٢ھ ٭حضرت شاہ مظفر حسین (پٹنہ)

٢٩ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت خواجہ محمد صالح بلخی ١٠٤٨ھ ٭حضرت حجۃ اللہ شرف الدین محمد نقشبندی ثانی ١١١٤ھ ٭حضرت حجۃ اللہ شرف الدین محمد نقشبندی ثانی ١١١٤ھ٭حضرت مولوی شاہ عبدالغنی دہلوی ١٢٩٦ھ ٭حضرت خواجہ فقیر محمد چورہ شریف ١٣١٥ھ٭حضرت سید علی میراں داتا ٭حضرت محمد نقشبند٭حضرت عبید اللہ احرار

٣٠ محرم الحرام

٭حضرت روز بہان بقلی شیرازی ٦٠٦ھ ٭حضرت شیخ زاہد بن علی مرغابی ٧٩١ھ ٭حضرت سید زین الدین رکنابادی ٧٩٣ھ ٭

— رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عہنم اجمعین و رحمہما اللہ —

تحریر: علامہ نسیم احمد صدیقی مد ظلہ عالی
پیشکش: انجمن ضیائے طیبہ، کراچی، پاکستان

Monday, November 28, 2011

2nd MuHarram | Asad al-Din Abu Mahfuz Ma'roof al-Karkhi Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho

Asad al-Din Abu Mahfuz
Ma'roof al-Karkhi Alaihir raHmah


Hadrat Asad al-Din Abu Mahfuz Shaykh Ma'roof Ibn Feroz al-Karkhi Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho is the ninth Imam and Shaykh of the Silsila Aaliyah Qadiriyah Barakatiyah Ridawiyah Nooriyah.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Excellence and Virtues of the Second caliph of Islam Sayyiduna Umar Ibn al-Khattab Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu
All praise is for Allah who ennobled the ability of those who desire to be his servants. I testify that there is no deity except Allah, the King of the distressed and the happy, I testify that our master Muhammad is his beloved Messenger, who establishes the right path, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, his family, his companions and the outstanding leaders.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Fazail wa Manaqib | Sayyiduna Farooq-e-Azam Umar Ibn al-Khattab Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu [URDU]

وہ عمر جس کے اعداء پہ شیدا سقر ؛ اس خدا دوست حضرت پہ لاکھوں سلام
فارق حق و باطل امام الہدیٰ ؛ تیغ مسلول شدت پہ لاکھوں سلام
ترجمان نبی ہمزبان نبی ؛ جان شان عدالت پہ لاکھوں سلام

نہیں خوش بخت محتا جان عالم میں کوئی ھم سا ۔۔۔ ملا تقدیر سے حاجت روا فاروق اعظم سا
مراد آئی مرادیں ملنے کی پیاری گھڑی آئی ۔۔۔ ملا حاجت روا ہم کو در سلطان عالم سا

فدا اے ام کلثوم آپ کی تقدیر یاور کے ۔۔۔ علی بابا ہوا دولہا ہوا فاروق اکرم سا
شیاطیں مضمحل ہیں تیرے نام پاک کے ڈر سے ۔۔۔ نکل جائے نہ کیوں رفاض بد اطوار کا دم سا

ترے جود و کرم کا کوئی اندازہ کرے کیونکر ۔۔۔ ترا اک اک گدا فیض و سخاوت میں ہے حاتم سا
خدارا مہر کر اے ذرا پرور مہر نورانی ۔۔۔ سیہ بختی سے ہے روز میرا شب غم سا

منائیں عید جو ذی الحجہ میں تیری شہادت کی ۔۔۔ الٰہی روز و ماہ و سن انہیں گزرے محرم سا
حسن در عالم پستی سر سفعت اگر داری ۔۔۔ بیا فرق ارادت بردر فاروق اعظم سا

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کتاب: فضائل صحابہ کرام و اہلبیت اطہار رضوان اللہ تعالی علیہم اجمعین
تصنیف: حضرت علامہ سید شاہ تراب الحق قادری مد ظلہ عالی

[Golden Words of Wisdom] Sayings of Sayyiduna 'Umar Ibn al-Khattab Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu

Gems of Wisdom by Ameer al-Mu'mineen
Sayyiduna 'Umar al-Farooq Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho
  • To eat less is healthy, to speak less is wisdom, and to sleep less is worship.
  • To speak less is wisdom, to eat less is healthy and to mingle less with the people is safe and serene.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

27 Dhul-Hijjah | Hadrat Shaykh Ja'far Abu Bakr al-Shibli Radi Allahu Anhu

Qutb al-Aarifeen ; Mujaddid al-Islam
Shaykh Abu Bakr al-Shibli Alaihir raHmah

HIS POSITION IN THE SILSILA: Qutb al-Aarifeen, Mujaddid al-Islam, Waaqif-e-Rumooz-e-Khafi wa Jali, Hadrat Shaykh Ja'far Abu Bakr Shibli Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho is the twelveth Imam and Shaykh of the Silsila Aaliyah Qadiriyah Barakatiyah Ridawiyyah Nooriyah.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Prophets ['Alaihim as-Salam] are Alive!!
The Ahl as-Sunnah wal Jama'ah holds an obstinate belief that the Prophets Alaihim as-Salam are Alive and life of the Prophets in their graves is firmly established through authentic and explicit proofs. The great Hadith Master, Imam Bayhaqi compiled them in a separate book. Imam Jalal Al-Suyuti, Master of Hadith, also authored a book on this topic. May Allah Most High have mercy on them both. Master of Hadith Ibn Hajar says:

Sunday, November 20, 2011

[22nd Dhul-Hijjah] Birthday of the Ghawth and Grand Mufti of India | Imam Mustafa Rida Noori al-Qadiri

Birthday of the Ghawth & Grand Mufti of India
Imam Mustafa Rida Noori al-Qadiri Alaihir raHmah

Ghawth al-Waqt Mufti A'zam Qutbe-'Alam 'Arife-Billah Aalur-RaHman MuHiyy al-Din Jilani Imam Mustafa RiDa al-Qadiri Barakati Noori Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho was born on 22 Zil-Hajj 1310 in Bareilly Sharif, U.P., India. He was the youngest son of Qutbul-Irshad Imam al-Akbar A'la-HaDrat Imam AHmad RiDa al-Qadiri Barkati Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho the Mujdaddid of the 14th Century.

His ancestor, Shuja'at Jung MuHammad Sa'idullah Khan, accompanied Sultan Nadir Sha Abdali in 1739 AD on his first political expedition to Hindustan. Nadir Sha returned to Afghanistan but Shuja'at Jung MuHammad Sa'idullah Khan Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho decided to settle in Hindustan. In later years (between 1739 and 1748 AD), Sultan MuHammad Sha (d. 1748 AD), King of Delhi officially appointed him to the rank of Shash-Hazaari. This was indeed a very elite post in the Moghal Empire which was only entrusted to one of Royal Descent. The Moghal King also gave him The Glass Palace of Lahore and some districts in Rampur as his Jageer .

Later, by Divine Command, General MuHammad Sa'idullah Khan Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho settled in Bareilly which was then known as the capital of the famous Rohelkand District of the empire.

Important Point

The following ancestral tree of HaDrat Mufti A'zam Imam Mustafa RiDa Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho was carefully constructed from the authentic Books of Genealogy and meticulously scrutinized with references to other books in this field. The ancestors were compared with dates and periods found in books written by Historians who were masters in this field. The following points were noted before compiling the Ancestral Tree:

- Preference was given to books compiled by Historians of Afghan descent/origin as they knew their descendants better than others.

- Furthermore, amongst the Afghani Historians, preference was given to Historians that belonged to the Bar'hech Tribe as the Ghawth al- Waqt Imam Mustafa RiDa Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho belonged to the Bar'hech Tribe.

- There is not much dispute in the Chain of the Ancestral Tree from Sayyiduna Nabi Adam Alaihis Salam to Sayyiduna Nabi IsHaq Alaihis Salam.

- The chain of the Family Tree from Sayyiduna Nabi IsHaq Alaihis Salam to HaDrat Malik Taloot Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho was extracted according to the citation found in the books of authors who belonged to the Bar'hech Tribe. This was so because people of a Tribe will have more genuine information of their ancestors in relation to others of different tribes.

- There is a consensus in Books of Ancestral Trees from HaDrat Malik Taloot Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho up to Sayyiduna Qais Malik 'Abdur-Rashid Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho and so is the case from Sayyiduna 'Abdur-Rashid to Bar'hech.

- From Bar'hech till HaDrat Shuja'at Jang MuHammad Sa'eedullah Khan the genealogy was extracted from Khulasatul-Ansab, Akhbar al-Sanadid and Bustan-e-Hikmat, whose authors are not only Afghanis, but belonged to the Bar'hech Tribe.

This is how cautiously this Family Tree from Sayyiduna Nabi Adam Alaihis Salam till Ghawth al-Waqt, HaDrat Mufti A'zam Qutbe-'Alam's Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho was constructed. The Ancestral Tree is as follows:

Imam Mustafa RiDa Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho s/o Mujaddid Imam AHmad RiDa Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho s/o Ra'isul-Atqiya Imam MuHammad Naqi 'Ali Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho s/o 'Arife-Billah Imam RiDa 'Ali Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho s/o Mawlana Hafiz Kazim 'Ali Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho s/o Mawlana Sha MuHammad A'zam Khan Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho s/o Mawlana MuHammad Sa'adat Yaar Khan Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho s/o Shuja'at Jung MuHammad Sa'idullah Khan Bhadur Qandhari Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho s/o 'Abdur-RaHman Khan Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho s/o Yusuf Khan Qandhari Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho s/o Dawlat Khan s/o Badal Khan s/o Da'ood Khan s/o Bar'hech Khan s/o Sharfud-Deen 'Urf Shar'haboon s/o Ibra'him 'Urf Sard'bun s/o Sayyiduna Qais Malik 'Abdur-Rashid SaHabi Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho s/o 'Ays Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho s/o Salool Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho s/o 'Utba Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho s/o Na'eem Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho s/o Marra s/o Malik Jalandar s/o Malik Askandar Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho s/o Zaman s/o 'Unais s/o Bah'lool s/o Sa'lam s/o SalaH s/o Qaroon s/o Nasr s/o Ashmu'ail s/o Na'eem s/o Akram s/o Ash'ath Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho s/o Sharood s/o Makhal s/o Nusrat s/o Qalaj s/o Sher s/o 'Atham s/o Faylool s/o Karam s/o 'Amaal s/o Hudayfa s/o Mat'hal s/o Qabal s/o 'Ilm or 'Aleem s/o Ash'mool s/o Haroon s/o Qamar s/o Abi s/o Su'heb s/o Talal s/o Lu'ee s/o 'Ameel s/o Taraj s/o Arzand s/o Mandool s/o Saleem or Sa'lam s/o Afghana s/o Sarad al-Muqallab bi Malik Taloot s/o Qais s/o 'Utbah s/o Talas s/o Ru'ail s/o Yahoodah s/o Sayyiduna Nabi Ya'qoob Alaihis Salam s/o Sayyiduna Nabi IsHaq Alaihis Salam s/o Khaleelullah Sayyiduna Nabi Ibra'him Alaihis Salam s/o Ta'rikh s/o Makhood or NaHoor s/o Shuroo' or Ash'ragh s/o Sayyiduna Nabi Hood Alaihis Salam s/o 'Abir s/o Sha'lakh s/o Araf'khashad s/o Saam s/o Sayyiduna Nabi NooH Alaihis Salam [age: 1400 years] s/o La'lak [age:780 years] s/o Malik Matla'shakh [age: 900 years] s/o Sayyiduna Nabi Idris Alaihis Salam s/o Bayarad s/o Mahla'heel s/o Qay'nan s/o Anoosh s/o Sayyiduna Nabi Sheeth Alaihis Salam [age: 912 years] s/o Sayyiduna Nabi Adam Alaihis Salam [age: 900 years]

HaDrat Mufti A'zam, Qutbe-'Alam Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho belonged to the Afghani Bar'hech Tribe which was of Royal Descent. This was indeed a very respectable and noble tribe in Afghanistan. Great 'Ulama and Masha'ikh hailed from this dignified tribe whose Mazars are still a centre of solace and spiritual enlightment for the people both in Afghanistan and Hindustan. A separate detailed book can be written about these great dignitaries. Since this a very brief introduction of the Imam, therefore no details will be recorded herein. However, an important point to note is that in the ancestry of Ghawth al-Waqt Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho, there are eight Prophets and one SaHabi. The Prophets are:

1) Sayyiduna Nabi Ya'qoob Alaihis Salam
2) Sayyiduna Nabi IsHaq Alaihis Salam
3) Khalilullah Sayyiduna Nabi Ibra'him Alaihis Salam
4) Sayyiduna Nabi Hood Alaihis Salam
5) Sayyiduna Nabi NooH Alaihis Salam
6) Sayyiduna Nabi Idris Alaihis Salam
7) Sayyiduna Nabi Sheeth Alaihis Salam
8) Sayyiduna Nabi Adam Alaihis Salam

The one SaHabi is Sayyiduna Qais Malik 'Abdur-Rashid SaHabi Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho. He is the 43rd descendant of Afghana and 45th descendant of HaDrat Malik Taloot. Qais bin 'Ays lived in the mountainous terrains of Ghour. In one of the Expeditions of Sayyiduna Khalid ibn Walid Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho, he became interested in Islam. So he took some of the leaders of Afghanistan and went to Madina al-Munawwara. They met the beloved Prophet of ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala and immediately accepted Islam on his sacred hands. Sayyiduna Rasoolullah Sallallaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam then said to him:"Qais is a Hebrew word and I am an Arab. The Prophet of ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala gave him the Islamic name 'Abdur-Rashid. The Habib Sallallaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam further said: "You are the Awlad of Malik Taloot whom ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala blessed with the title of Malik (King). In the future you too will be remembered with the title of Malik." This is how he got the title of Malik from the office of Prophethood.

It was in the Madinan period that the Beloved Nabi Sallallaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam was planning for the conquest of Makka and appointed Malik 'Abdur-Rashid and the other Afghani SaHabi as the lead of the secret service scouts of the army led by Sayyiduna Khalid ibn Walid Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho. The Afghani Mujahids displayed their astonishing bravery in the battle of Makka. Sayyiduna Malik 'Abdur-Rashid Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho himself killed 70 Kuf'far in this battle. His role and bravery in this war brought great joy to the heart of the Beloved Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam who predicted that a great family will emerge from the off-springs of this Sahabi. They will be steadfast on religion and will strengthen the Din of Islam like Bataan (conqueror with great bravery or Military Advisor). It was the effects of this Du'a of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah Sallallaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam that great 'Ulama and Masha'ikh were born in the lineage of Sayyiduna Malik 'Abdur-Rashid Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho. To name a few, some of the stars in the firmament of excellence were the great Mujaddid, Ala-HaDrat Imam AHmad Raza al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho and his son, Ghawth al-Zaman Mufti A'zam Imam Mustafa RiDa al-Qadiri Noori Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho. Their services to the Din is known to the Muslim World and precisely the manifestations of the Du'as of the Beloved Prophet of ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala.

Since the Beloved Nabi's Sallallaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam Du'a for the Awlad of Sayyiduna Malik 'Abdur-Rashid Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho was that they will strengthen the Din and their strength will be like Bataan, from that day on he became famous by the title of "Bataan". This word Bataan in later days changed to the present day name "Pathaan". Eventually, the Awlad of Sayyiduna Malik 'Abdur-Rashid Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho then became synonymous by the word Pathaan. This is how the word Pataan can into existence. Sayyiduna Malik 'Abdur-Rashid Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho married Mutahira, the daughter of Sayyiduna Khalid ibn Walid Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho, and he passed away at the age of 87 years.


Before the birth of the Ghawth, his father Imam AHmad RiDa Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho, was on a visit to the Mazar of his Murshid al-Kamil Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho in Marehra Sharif. It was on the night of 22nd of Zil-Hajj that the noble Imam Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho had a dream. He noticed in this dream that the full moon began descending towards the earth and it was many folds bigger than the earth. As it descended, its size began decreasing and its brilliance increased. So much so that it comfortably landed on his lap. That morning Ala-HaDrat Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho awoke for Tahajjud Salah and Almighty ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala inspired his heart with the correct interpretation of that dream. The Imam Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho immediately made WuDu and performed two Rak'ats of Shukr (thanks-giving) and named his son Aalur-RaHman.

That same day he performed the Salatul-Zuhr with the Qutb, Sirajul-'Arifin, Sayyid Abul-Husain AHmade-Noori al-Husaini Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho in the Musjid of the Masha'ikh. After the Salah, he left the Musjid with the Qutb 'Arife-Noori Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho. As the Qutb Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho reached the steps of the Musjid, he turned to Ala-HaDrat Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho as if he had already intercepted his dream and intention and said: "Mawlana SaHib! You must return to Bareilly as ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala has blessed you with a pious and gifted son. I suggest the name Aalur-RaHman Abul-Barakat MuHiyy al-Din Jilani for him. I will certainly come to Bareilly to see him and bestow all the Spiritual Secrets on him." The Qutb also gave Ala-HaDrat Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho a five Rupee silver coin as a gift for the new-born son.

However, Imam AHmad RiDa Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho obeyed the command of the Qutb who was not only his Peer-Bhai but also his Teacher and immediately left for Bareilly. He reached Bareilly the same day and was delighted to see his new-born son. Imam AHmad RiDa Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho inquired about the time of the son's birth and it was confirmed that it was the exact time that the Qutb Sayyid 'Arife-Noori Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho, had intercepted when leaving the Musjid after Salatuz-Zuhr in Marehra. SubHanALLAH! What precise perception is bestowed upon the beloved servants of ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala!

The noble Imam Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho then kissed his son on the forehead, hugged him to his chest and said: "Welcome, O perfect Wali!" The arrival of this son brought great joy to all in the household because many daughters were born in his home after the first son, Hujjatul-Islam Mawlana Hamid RiDa Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho. There was an 18 year gap between the first son and the new arrival. Everyone in the family was so overjoyed that they celebrated his arrival for many months.


His father, Imam AHmad RiDa Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho, though chose the name Aalur-RaHman on the morning of his dream, but instead, he kept his name MuHammad when the Aqiqa was performed for two apparent reasons.

- Firstly, this was so because there are no limits of Barakat and blessing in the name MuHammad.
- And secondly, A'la-HaDrat was a great 'Arif and an 'Arif's vision is always focused on the LouH-e-MaHfooz (Sacred Tablet of Records). The great Imam and 'Arif noticed the physical life u of his son on the LouH-e-MaHfiz which was 92 years and kept his name MuHammad. The Ghawth, HaDrat Mufti A'zam Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho passed away in 1981 at the age of 92. According to numerology and the Abjad Formula calculation, the numerical value of the word MuHammad is 92. It was only after the demise of HaDrat Mufti A'zam Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho that this secret and Karamat of Imam AHmad RiDa Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho was understood by the people. The word complimented his son's love for the Master Sayyiduna MuHammad Sallallaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam and it's numerical value complimented his age u as Divinely pre-destined on the LouH-e-MaHfooz.


On Wednesday, 25th Jamadiul-Thani 1310 / 3rd January 1894 as promised the great Qutb, Sayyidi Abul-Husain AHmad-e-Noori al-Husaini al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho came to Bareilly, to visit the new born. The child was 6 months and 3 days old. Imam AHmad RiDa Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho took the child and placed him on the sacred lap of the Great Qutb Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho. Sayyidi 'Arife-Noori Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho carefully looked at the face of this child for a long time and kissed his forehead and said to the father: "Mawlana! This is a gifted child and a born Wali of ALLAH! As far as Barakat is concerned, he is Abul-Barkat and MuHiyyud-Din as far as Fanaiyyat is concerned. This child will serve the Din extensively and mankind will derive great benefits from him. The vision of this Wali will cherish the hearts of millions and make them steadfast on the Din and from him will flow an ocean of Divine Grace."

After these glad tidings, the Murshid al-Kamil Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho placed his blessed Shahadah finger in the child's mouth who began suckling as if being breast fed by the mother. It was as if the great Qutb infused all the Barakat and Secrets of the four major Spiritual Orders at once into the receptive heart of this young and future Ghawth of ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala. The grand Master then initiated the child in the Qadiriyyah Spiritual Order and bestowed on him the Khilafah of 13 Spiritual Orders. They were as follows:

1) Qadiriyyah Barkatiyyah Jadidah
2) Qadiriyyah Aba'iyyah Qadimah
3) Qadiriyyah Hidayiyyah
4) Qadiriyyah Raz'zaqiyyah
5) Qadiriyyah Mansooriyyah
6) Chishtiyyah Nizamiyyah Qadimah
7) Chishtiyyah MaHboobiyyah Jadididah
8) Suhrawardiyyah WaHidiyyah
9) Suhrawardiyyah FaDiliyyah
10) Naqshabandiyyah 'Ula'iyyah Siddiqiyyah
11) Naqshabandiyyah 'Ula'iyyah 'Ulawiyyah
12) Badi'iyyah
13) 'Uluwiyyah Manamiyyah

After blessing this child with all these lofty stations, the Murshid al-Kaamil'ala Anho then placed the child on the lap of Ala-HaDrat Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho and said: "Mubarak to you! The Tafsir of the Ayah وَجَعَل لِّى وَزِيراً مِن اَهلِى has now filled your lap."

This is how the first chapter of this future Ghawth of the Sublime Lord Azzawajal began and at a tender age of 6 months and 3 days he was introduced to this Ummah. After the completion of his external studies, HaDrat Mufti A'zam Qutb al-'Alam Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho perfected the mystical sciences and Sulook under the Spiritual Guidance of his Murshid al-Kamil Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho.

Jubba Mubarak of Mufti-e-Aazam Qutb-e-Aalam Alaihir raHma


At the age of 4 years, 4 months and 4 days the traditional Soofi Bismillah Khani was personally performed by Ala-HaDrat Imam AHmad RiDa Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho. He was then given in the care of his elder brother, Hujjatul-Islam Mawlana Hamid RiDa Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho, to teach him the Nazara of the Holy Qur'an. This astonishing child shocked his brother by completing Nazara of the recitation of the entire Qur'an in just 3 years!


After the completion of the recitation of the Holy Qur'an, Ala-HaDrat Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho then handed him over to the able teachers of teachers [Ustaz al-'Ulama], HaDrat Mawlana RaHam Ilahi Manglori al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho to study the elementary books of the 'Alim course. After teaching him for a few months, he said to Imam AHmad RiDa Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho: "I am indeed honoured to teach this future giant of Islam. Your son is a Wali and it is not possible for me to perfect him. It is only your personality that can fulfil this difficult task. However, I will do my utmost best to teach him as much as I can which for me is not an easy task. I am dumb-founded at his memory and intellect."

Ghawth al-Waqt, Mufti al-A'zam Qutb al-'Alam, Imam Mustafa RiDa al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho completed his external studies under 5 Masters. They were as follows:

1) His Father, Imam al-Akbar Ala-HaDrat Imam AHmad RiDa Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
2) His elder brother, Hujjatul-Islam Mawlana Hamid RiDa al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
3) The Teacher of Teachers, HaDrat Mawlana RaHam Ilahi Mang'lori Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
4) Shaykh al-'Ulama 'Allama Sayyid Bashir AHmad 'Aligari Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
5) Shams al-'Ulama HaDrat Mawlana Zuhoor al-Hasan Farooqi Rampuri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho

In 1328/1910, at a young age of 18 years, HaDrat Mufti al-A'zam Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho had mastered 36 sciences of knowledge. Thereafter, for the next 13 years (1328 to 1340) he sat with his illustrious father, the Mujaddid and Qutbul-Irshad Imam AHmad RiDa Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho and mastered the science of Islamic Law (Fiqa).


The Qutb, Mufti al-A'zam Imam Mustafa RiDa al-Qadiri Noori Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho from a very young age till the last moments of his life was always engrossed in the remembrance of Almighty ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala. He never missed his daily Salah and always performed it with the Jama'at in the Musjid. This excessive remembrance was so intense that it was often noticed that his lips moved in Dhikr while he was asleep. He sat in long devotions after the Fajr and Maghrib Salahs. He used to perform the Imamat of the Rijal al-Ghayb and Jinns after mid-night. There were instances that people noticed him teaching a group of "amazing" people late after mid-night in the confines of his private chamber . Sometimes people peeped into his private room of 'Ibadah to see this class in session. Such people were later confronted by the student Jinns in anger and warned not to interfere in their matters when engaged with their Shaykh at night. This confrontation had such an impact on them that they lay sick for days.

The Ghawth Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho was a master of the highly esoteric Dhikr of Sultan al-Azkar. This Dhikr is also known as Dhikre-Ara, the Dhikr of the Saw. This is a highly secret form of Dhikr of the senior Awliya of ALLAH. Years of practice is required to perfect this Dhikr. When the 'Amil is engaged in this Dhikr, every joint in his body becomes dislodged and the pieces are scattered on the floor bouncing in the ecstasy of the Dhikr of "ALLAH ALLAH". If anyone unintentionally has to see this then he would think that someone has chopped up every part of this person. But if a person intentionally invades the privacy of the 'Arif engrossed in this Dhikr, then there is a great chance that he may loose his eyesight or even die. There were 3 or 4 instances in the life of the Murshid al-Kaamil that people unintentionally saw the Master in this state. [In 1994 while I (translator) was attending the 'Urs-e-Noori in Marehra Sharif, I was summoned to the private quarters of the Sajjadah 'Arife-Billah Makhdoom Sayyid Hasan Mia Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho. In the chamber, there were 2 of us seated in the august presence of the Master. Professor Sayyid MuHammad Amin Mia and I sat with heads bent in absolute undivided attention while the Master, with tears rolling down his cheeks, spoke of the excellence of the Ghawth al-Waqt, HaDrat Mufti al-A'zam Qutb al-'Alam Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho. The door was closed and no person was allowed to enter while this meeting was in session.

The Soofi Master Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho then mentioned to us of a horrifying experience he had when he was a young boy of about 12 years. At that time the Ghawth, HaDrat Mufti al-A'zam Qutb al-'Alam Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho was in Marehra Sharif for the Ziyarat of his Peer-o-Murshid's Mazar. It was about 3 p.m. when his brother, the 'Arif, Sayyid al-'Ulama HaDrat Sayyid Ale-Mustafa al-Husaini al-Qadiri Barkati Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho said to him; "Hasan Mia! It's late and HaDrat has not eaten lunch as yet. Go and see where he is and bring him for lunch." I (Sayyid Hasan Mia) immediately went to his room and did not find him there. I inquired from some people sitting outside the room and they mentioned that HaDrat went to the Musjid for Zuhr Salah and not returned as yet. So I went to the Musjid which was totally empty and found the inner section doors closed. As I opened the door, I was horrified to find the body of the Ghawth in pieces and every piece of his body was bouncing on the floor reading "ALLAH ALLAH". I had never seen anything like this before and it had such an impact on me that I instantly became feverish and ran out of the Musjid crying straight to my brother (Sayyid al-'Ulama). I was hysterical and he grabbed me and asked: "What is the matter? Why are you crying?" All I could tell him in that state of terror was that someone had killed HaDrat in the Musjid. My brother was a great Soofi himself and felt my temperature and understood what had happened. He began praying on me until my condition normalized. After a while we saw HaDrat coming out of the Musjid and I was now even more confused as he was in a perfect normal state.

However, after some time Sayyid al-'Ulama Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho explained to me about my experience and said: "HaDrat Mufti al- A'zam Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho is a great 'Amil of Sultanul-Azkar. When you saw his state in the Musjid, he was engrossed in this very Dhikr. He is the pride of our Barkati family and the coolness of the eyes of our grandfather HaDrat Noori Dada Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho."

A Pair of very old Nagra Shoes of Mufti-e-Aazam Qutb-e-Aalam Alaihir raHma


Ghawth al-Waqt Mufti al-A'zam Qutbul-'Alam Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho was a prolific writer and wrote numerous books on different subjects of Din. Unfortunately, many were never published and of those that were published, many are out of print. There is some resurgence amongst the present day scholars to locate the Murshid's books to be printed. Below, is a list of some of his books:

واقعات السنان
الموت الاحمر
ادخال السنان
طرق الهدى و الارشاد الى احكام الاماره و الجهاد
حاشيه شرح الاستمداد كحلى اجيال الارتداد
الطارى الدارى
سامان بخشش
وهابيه كى تقيه بازى
مسائل سماع
القول العجيب في جواز التثويب
الحجة الباهرة
تنوير الحجه بالتور الحجه
كشف الضلال
وقاية اهل السنه
مقتل كذب و كيد
سيف الجبّار
نور القرآن
القسورة على ادوار الخمر الكفرة
داع الديان على رأس الوسواس الشيطان
مقتل اكذب و اجهل
الكاوى في العادى
القثم الفاصم
رشد الالياس على عابد الخناس
شفاء العى في جواب سوال بمبى
النكته على مراء كلكته
نفى العار من معائب عبدالغفار
دارهى كا مسئله
سراخ در سوراج
فتاوى مصطفويه
ترد الشيطان عن سبيل الرحمن

These are some of the contributions of the great Mufti and Wali of ALLAH. He has also left thousands of students, Mureeds and Khulafa, who in turn produced thousands of students that are serving the Muslim globally.

The Roving Ambassador of Islam, Mawlana 'Abd al-'Alim Siddiqi al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho was a close friend of Ghawth al-Waqt Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho and greatly revered him. HaDrat Mawlana 'Abd al-'Alim Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho was also a great politician and took an active part in local and international politics. He was very instrumental in abolishing the Hajj Tax then introduced by the Saudī Regime. The introduction of the Hajj Tax infuriated him as it was against the Sharī'ah and affected millions of incoming Hujjaj to the Holy land. It is also ethically incorrect to charge a Hajj Tax on pilgrims who spend thousands and undertake such a strenuous journey only to be welcomed at Jeddah seaport and airport by an unjustified tax instead of being given a warm welcome to the Holy Land as the guest of Allah Azzawajal and His Rasūl Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam.

He consulted with the most senior Jurist of the Muslim World, the great 'Arife Billah, Qutb al-'Alam, Muftī al-A'zam, Imam Mustafa RīDa al-QaDirī Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho and requested him for an Islamic ruling (Fatwa) on the Hajj Tax. The Grand Mufti issued an Islamic decree in the Arabic language condemning the Hajj Tax as un-Islamic which was later published by the title:

طَردُ الشَّيطَان عَن سَبِيلِ الرَّحْمن اَلمُلَقِّب بِعُمْدَةُ البَيَان فيِ حُرْمَةِ كُوشَان
"Tard al-Shaytan 'un Sabil al-RaHman al-Mulakkab bi 'Omdat al-Bayan fi Hurmate Koshan".

This Fatwa was acknowledged and ratified by many giants of the Islamic World, namely Sadr al-Afadil Mawlana Sayyid Na'īmudīn Muradabadī Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho, Sadr al-Shari'ah Mawlana Amjad 'Ali al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho, etc.

Mawlana 'Abd al-'Alim Siddiqui Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho took this Fatwa and set out to meet with the King in Hijaz and debated the Hajj Tax and presented the Fatwa. The Fatwa of HaDrat Mufti al-A'zam Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho convinced the Wahabi Clergies and the King then abolished the Hajj Tax, but unfortunately, the Saudi authorities later reinstated this un-Islamic Tax to exploit the pilgrims to the Holy Land.

Ghawth al-Waqt Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho was also a celebrated Poet and the collection of his poetry has been published under the title of Saman-e-Bakh'shish which widely read internationally.

It is amazing to note that wherever you find Sunni Muslims in the world, you ought to find someone amongst them doing work for the Ahle-Sunnah who is either a Mureed or a student of the Mureed of the Ghawth HaDrat Mufti al-A'zam Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho. The list students and Khulafa is too extensive to mention here. However, a short list of his famous Khulafa is give below. The Ghawth of ALLAH Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho had over TWENTY MILLION MUREEDS who are living throughout the world. Isha-ALLAH, I intend to compile a detailed book on my Murshid al-Kamil in due course. Please make Du'a that Almighty ALLAH SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala grants me the strength to undertake this mammoth task.

Pen Case + Ink Pot + 2 Pens + Seal of Mufti-e-Aazam Qutb-e-Aalam Alaihir raHma


The following names of 'Ulama and Masha'ikh is indeed a very brief list of the many Khulafa of the Grand Soofi Master and Ghawth Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho.

Haramayn al-Sharifan and the Arab World:

1) Qutbul-Waqt Sayyid Amin Qutbi Makki Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
2) Shaykh Sayyid 'Abbas 'Alawi al-Hasani Maliki Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
3) Uslaz al-'Ulama Shaykh Noor MuHammad Sayf Makki Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
4) The Hadith Master Sayyid MuHammad 'Alawi al-Maliki Hasani Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
5) HaDrat Mawlana Shaykh FaDlur-RaHman al-Qadiri Madani Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
6) Shaykh Sayyid Mu'ad FatHullah Khalifa al-Husaini Shami

Indo-Pak Sub-Continent:

1) MuHaddith-e-Pakistan HaDrat Mawlana Sardar AHmad Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
2) The Grand Mufassir HaDrat Mawlana Ibrahim Raza Jilani al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
3) The Ghazali of his time 'Allama Sayyid AHmad Sa'id Kazimi Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
4) HaDrat Sayyid AHmad 'Ali Ajmeri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
5) Mujahid-e-Millat Abdal al-Waqt HaDrat Sha Habibur-RaHman 'Alawi al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
6) The Lion of the Ahle-Sunnah Mawlana Hashmat 'Ali Khan al-Qadiri RaDawi Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
7) 'Allama QaDi Sayyid Shamsud-Din Ja'fari al-Husaini Jawanpoori Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho (author of Qanoon-e-Shari'at)
8) The MuHaddith, HaDrat Haji Mubinud-Din Amrohi Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
9) Shaykh al-Hadith 'Allama 'Abdul-Mustafa Azhari al-Qadiri Amjadi Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
10) Khalil al-Millat Mufti MuHammad Khalil Khan Barkati Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho (author of Hamara Islam and Sunni Bahishti Zewar)
11) Prof. Dr. Sayyid MuHammad Amin Mia al-Husaini Barkati Phd. (Prof. Aligarh Muslim University, Faculty of Urdu and Sajjada Nasheen Khanqah Barkatiyya, Marehra Sharif.)
12) The Robust Orator and Statesman, Hadrat Mawlana RayHan Raza Khan al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
13) Taj ash-Shari'ah HaDrat Mufti MuHammad Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari al-Qadiri
14) HaDrat Soofi MuHammad Iqbal RaDawi Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho (compiler of the famous Shame Shabistan-e-Raza)
15) The Hadith Master, HaDrat Mufti Shariful-Haqq Amjadi Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
16) BaHrul-'Uloom Mufti 'Abdul-Manan al-Qadiri RaDawi
17) The Master Orator, Mawlana Mushtaq AHmad Nizami al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
18) Ustaz al-'Ulama Mawlana MuHammad Jhangir FateHpuri al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
19) BaHral-'Uloom Mufti Sayyid AfDal-Husain al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
20) Mujahid-e-Ahle Sunnat Sayyid Sha Turabul-Haqq Jilani al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
21) The International Ambassador of Imam AHmad RiDa, Mawlana Sha MuHammad Ibrahim Khushtar Siddiqi al-Qadiri RaDawi Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
22) Shaykh al-Hadith Mawlana 'Abdul-Qayyoom Hazarwi al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
23) The Sufi Master and MuHaddith, HaDrat Mawlana Qari MasleHud-Din Siddiqi al-Qadiri Amjadi Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
24) Prof. Dr. Sayyid Sha Mufti Ghulam Sarwar al-Husaini al-Qadiri RaDawi (Phd. Arabic Grammer)
25) The Hadith Master Mawlana Diya al-Mustafa Qadiri Amjadi
26) HaDrat QaDi 'Abdur-RaHim Bastawi al-Qadiri
27) The MuHaddith and authority on Qasidah al-Burdah, HaDrat Mawlana Mufti MuHammad Husain MuHaddith Sakkar Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho

South Africa:

1) HaDrat Mawlana MuHammad AHmad Mukaddam al-Qadiri RaDawi MA. [Rector - International Peace University, Cape-Town (IPSA)]
2) HaDrat Mawlana 'Abdul-Hamid Palmer al-Qadiri Noori [Chairman – Sunni 'Ulama Counsel, Durban ]
3) Khadim al-'Ilm al-Sharif Shaykh Abu-MuHammad 'Abdul-Hadi al-Qadiri RaDawi [Founder & President - Imam AHmad Raza Academy, S. Africa & Director – Barkaatur-Raza Publication, S.Africa ]


The Ghawth performed his first Hajj in 1323/1905 at the age of 13 years with his illustrious father, A'la-HaDrat Imam AHmad RiDa al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho. His second trip was in 1364/1945 and the third trip was in 1391/1971. The third trip was a very historic one where all Hujjaj were required to travel with a passport and a valid Hajj Visa. Both these documents had to have the photograph of the traveller. But the Ghawth Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho, from a very young age never took out a photograph because the sacred Shari'ah forbade the taking of photograps . He always strictly followed the Laws of the Shari'ah in all aspects of his life. Since he had made his Niyyah for Hajj and Ziyarah, hence nothing could now stop him to undertake this sacred journey. It was his Charismatic Exploit that the Indian Government and the Saudi Consulate exempted him from the use of a photograph on his passport which was indeed the first time for something like this to happen. Why not, no Law is superior to the Divine law of Almighty Allah Azzawajal and one who adheres to the Divine Law is always Divinely Protected by the Sublime Lord Azzawajal. This was a unique occasion when the world witnessed the Divine Control of Allah Azzawajal and the authority of His Azzawajal Awliya.

In this trip, the Ghawth Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho was accompanied by his wife, his niece, his grandson, the very old servant-lady (Khadima) of his father, A'la-HaDrat Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho and my humble self. This journey was undertaken by ship. The Murshid was welcomed at Jeddah docks by Qutb al-Madina Shaykh Dia al-Din AHmad Siddiqi al-Qadiri Madani Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho, HaDrat Mawlana Shaykh FaDlur-RaHman Madani Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho, the Indian Ambassador and hundreds of Mureeds and followers.

The 'Ulama of Haramayn Sharifayn, the Arab word and scholars of Din always humbled themselves in the presence of the Ghawth Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho. These dignitaries sat around the Ghawth as students and devotees seeking his grace, Du'as and Asanid [Certificates of Khilafat, Hadith Narrations, Fiqh and Awrad]. Amongst the Makkan 'Ulama who met with and took Ijazah and Khilafa from the Ghawth were:
- Qutbul-Waqt 'Arife-Billah Sayyidi Shaykh Amin Qutbi al-Husaini Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
- Sayyid al-'Ulama HaDrat Sayyid 'Alawi Maliki al-Hasani Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho (the illustrious father of Sayyid MuHammad 'Alawi al-Maliki Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho)
- Ustaz al-'Ulama HaDrat Mawlana Shaykh MuHammad Noor Saif Makki Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
- Shaykh Sayyid MuHammad 'Alawi Maliki al-Hasani Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho
- Shaykh Sayyid Mu'ad FatHullah Khalifa al-Husaini Shami etc.

It was in this trip that the famous MuHaddith of Makka al-Mukarramah, Sayyidi MuHammad 'Alawi Hasani al-Maliki Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho, received the Khilafat of the consecrated Qadiriyyah Spiritual Order and Ijazah of Narration of the Hadith al-Sharif from the great Ghawth, Mufti al-A'zam Qutb al-'Alam Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho . I was personally present in this coronation which took place in the home of Sayyidi MuHmmad's Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho father, Sayyid al-'Alawi al-Hasani Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho in Makka al-Mukarrama. AlHamdulillah! This humble servant has in his possession the pen and ink-pot which the the Ghawth Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho used to write the Certificate of Khilafat and Hadith al-Sharif.

Sayyid MuHammad Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho followed the Murshid al-Kamil throughout his stay in Makka al-Mukarrama and his ardant love and devotion for the Ghawth was so strong that he even followed him to Madina al-Munawwara. Here, in this sanctified city of the Habib Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho, the Sayyid daily visited the Master for the 31 days he spent here. I am a witness to this as I was every moment in the service of the Murshid and responsible to present tea and refreshments to all the guests. In some meetings Sayyid MuHammad spent hours with the Ghawth Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho. Periodically, I served tea to the Sayyid and every time he moved the tea in front of the Master and sat staring at his luminous face. It was the unique nature of the Ghawth Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho that when he had any association with any Sayyid, he expressed great love and affection to them. Since Sayyidi MuHammad was a progeny of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah Sallallaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam the Murshid compassionately requested him to drink the tea. But the Sayyid refused saying, "I would only drink if you first make the tea Tabarruk by drinking from it." So the Murshid, with tears rolling down his cheeks, read some Du'a and drank a little tea and passed it on to Sayyid MuHammad. The Sayyid's face brightened up with happiness and he drank the tea. After some time the Master ordered more tea and the Sayyid would do the same. The Ghawth said that he had already made it Tabarruk the first time and he should now drink it. But Sayyid MuHammad 'Alawi replied; "If I have to drink tea a thousand times in your august presence, you will have to first make it Tabarruk before I drink it." This was the extreme love and respect the 'Ulama and Masha'ikh of Haramayn al-Sharifayn expessed for the great Ghawth of Allah. May the Sublime Lord Azzawajal sanctify their souls and through them, bless us with the sweetness of Iman - Amin thumma Amin.


Ghawth al-Waqt, Murshid al-Kamil Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho was married to his cousin and only child of HaDrat Mawlana MuHammad RiDa al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho on 11th May 1911. Mawlana MuHammad RiDa al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho was the youngest brother of A'la-HaDrat Imam RiDa Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho and received all his education from his big brother. He was a master of 'Ilm al-Fara'iD (Faculty of Distribution of Inheritance) and all questions (Fatawa) pertaining to this subject that came to A'la-HaDrat Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho was referred to him to be answered. HaDrat Mufti A'zam Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho had six daughters and one son, Anwar RiDa, who passed away at a tender age of 18 months. His progeny survives through his daughters.

Ghawth al-Waqt, Mufti al-A'zam Qutb al-'Alam Imam Mustafa RiDa Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho peacefully departed from this mundane world at the age of 92 on Wednesday night – 1:40 am, 14th MuHarram al-Haram 1402 / 11th November 1981. He was put to rest on the right side next to his illustrious father, Qutb al-Irshad Imam al-Akbar Ala-HaDrat Imam AHmad RiDa al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho. Although the illustrious Ghawth has physically departed from this material world, but the spiritual beams of his guidance and blessings still manifests as a radiant beacon for Mureeds of the sanctified Qadiriyyah Barkatiyyah RaDawiyyah Spiritual Order.

May ALLAH Azzawajal The Real Absolute, instil in our hearts the love and honour for all the Awliya-ALLAH and give us courage to follow the principles of mystical ethics taught by the Righteous 'Ulama and Masha'ikh and as laid down in their books.

Inferior Mendicant of the Murshid

Abu-MuHammad 'Abd al-Hadi al-Qadiri Ridawi

22nd Dhul-Hijjah | Shaykh Abd al-Aleem Siddiqui al-Qadiri Meerathi Alaihir RaHma

Roving Ambassador of Islam
Shaykh Abd al-Aleem Siddiqui al-Qadiri
Shaykh is resting at the blessed feet of Sayyidah Ayesha Siddiqah in Jannat al-Baqee.

"My heart yearns to show it's bleeding scars
And to teach everyone on earth the laws
Which might make blessed life's span
This is my yearning and this is my aim
This is my intention and this is my claim
With this I yearn to scan the globe
And deliver to humanity the message of Hope"

[An extract from a poem by Mawlana Shah Abd al-Aleem Siddiqui written in his college years]

Blessed Birth

"Roving Ambassador of Islam", Mawlana 'Abd al-'Alīm Siddiquī al-Qadirī Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho was born on 15th Ramadan 1310 Hijrī in Meeruth, India. He hails from the noble Siddiquī family who are direct descendants of Ameer al-Mo'minīn Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Al-Siddique Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho in the 37th generation.

Early Education

His father, Hadrat Mawlana 'Abd al-Hakim Siddiquī al-Qadirī Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho was a distinguished scholar and a high ranking 'Alim of Dīn. He was also a devout Sufi Master of the Qadiriyyah Spiritual Order. He took special care in the education of his son who completed his Nazara (visual recitation) of the Holy Qur'an at the tender age of 4. He studied elementary Arabic and Persian under the guidance of his father at home and was then enrolled at the local Madressa 'Arabiyyah Qoumiyyah where he graduated as an 'Alim. He then pursued his Secular studies at the Islamiyah High School until Matric (Grade 12). His classmate was the former president of India Dr. Zakir Hussain. In 1917, he then enrolled at Meeruth University where he graduated with a bachelor's degree with distinction.

Spiritual Development

His elder brother, the great 'Alim Hadrat Mawlana Sha Ahmed Mukhtar Siddiquī Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho then took him to Bareilly and handed him over to the great Mujaddid, 'Arif Billah A'la'Hadrat Imam al-Akbar Qutb al-Irshad Muhaqqiq Ahmad Rīda al-Qadirī Muhaddith Bareilwi Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho. Here he was groomed in many Islamic sciences including strenuous spiritual training in Tasawwuf under the able supervision of the Sufi Master and 'Arif of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala. After spiritual perfection, the Imam bestowed on him the Khilafah of the Qadiriyyah Barkatiyyah Silsilah. It was here that the ardent love of the Beloved Habīb Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam was injected into his heart that transformed him into a perfect human (Insan al-Kamil).

Hadrat Mawlana Abdul Aleem Siddiqui (Radi Allah Ta'ala Anho) was already swimming in the ocean of Ishq (love) that led him to adhere to a stable spiritual life. His mission started when he was ordered by his spiritual teachers to visit the Holy Land of Makkah al-Mukarramah. His journey to Makkah Sharif was the culmination of his spirituality, it was at that pinnacle moment that his lessons in 'Baatin' (inner) had to be lived in "zahiri' (exterior). He set himself, body & soul to the pilgrimage in 1919. His life took a different turn when he stepped on the doorway of our Beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam. He was warmly welcomed, as our Beloved (Sallahu Alaihi  wa Sallam) blessed the heart of the Shaykh. Immediately he was convinced and inspired that he was a man chosen by Allah The Almighty and our Beloved Prophet (Sallahu Alaihi  wa Sallam) to sacrifice his entire life to the service of humanity. His mission was handed over by beloved Prophet (Sallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) to his heart and soul. This was when his real journey commenced.

He endured many painful obstacles and tribulations, but continued to persist through them with admirable patience. His heart was set to acquire the inner knowledge that he was taught during his early years. His approach to Tassawuf and spirituality was a distinctive feature that differentiated Shaykh (Radi Allah Ta'ala Anho) from other living scholars. The desire to spread the teaching of Islam became so intense, that he traveled far and wide not only to spread Deen Islam and to enrich people's conception about spirituality but also for the gratification of his soul.

Dunya Chaani Alaam Mein Phira, Par Tera Shuragh kahin Na Mila
Jab Chashm-e-Baseerat se Dekha, hay Dil ke Andar Tu Hi Tou.

He traveled through out the entire globe for 30 years with that sacred inspiration and mission to revive humanity and reveal the truth to everyone's heart. He was not only a scholar, but also a highly endowed spiritual master conveying the message. He brought spiritual illumination to the hearts of thousands; Muslims and Non Muslims. His prayers had given hope to many that were struck by incurable illnesses. People around the world felt the sweetness of his presence. Many were attracted by his sincerity, others by the manifestation of a divine light, which encompassed his entire being and many others, by his friendly and compassionate attitude. His blessed presence and spiritual magnetism had given new impetus to the religious and social lives of thousands. He had gained a high esteem in everybody's heart and continues to be remembered by so many as a great Sufi and spiritual leader.

Shaykh was such a highly endowed Sufi that his intelligence conquered eminent persons such as leaders and statesmen of different religious beliefs. His spiritual achievements were enormously admired and many political leaders and businesses sought his guidance in their matters. He had instilled purity and spirituality in the hearts of those he met. Even the celebrated intellectuals of the west had the opportunity of admiring this great saint of Islam. We cannot forget the infamous encounter between Shaykh (A Theologian) and George Bernard Shaw (A Scholar).
Masjid Abd al-Aleem Siddiqui at 90 Lorong K, Telok Kurau Road Singapore.
Exalted Teachers

Besides his noble father and Imam Ahmad Rida Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhum Ajma'aeen, some of his other notable teachers were:

a) BaHr al-'Ulūm Mawlana 'Abd al-Hayy Farangī Mahellī.
b) 'Arif Billah Shaykh Ahmad al-Shams Shamil Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho of Morocco.
c) Shaykh Al-Sanusee Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho of Libya.
d) Hakim Ah'tasham al-Dīn (taught him Tibb : Unani Medicine).

Man of Superb Qualities

In Madina al-Munawwarah he was lovingly called "Tabeeb al-Hindi" (Indian Physician). Mawlana was also a celebrated poet and used "Aleem, عليم" as his poetic pen name. He inherited this science from his noble father. Since childhood, he was an influential orator and addressed a huge crowd of Muslims at a Mawlid celebration in Meerut, India at the tender age of 9 years. This was his first public speech and he spoke on the excellence of Sayyiduna Rasūlullah Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam. His speech had the audience spellbound.

His noble father passed away when he was only 12 years old. Since his mother was a very knowledgeable and pious woman, she undertook the initiative to educate and groom her son to the peak of perfection. Since he was raised in a cradle of knowledge and piety, he possessed a refined character with an impeccable personality. His ancestral Siddiqī blood generated a great sense of awe in his personality that subdued intellectuals and peasants alike.

Roving Ambassador of Islam

Till this day, Hadrat Mawlana is recognised and accepted as the "Roving Ambassador of Islam" for his invaluable services to Islam and the Muslims internationally. He travelled extensively to the four corners of the globe and preached Islam. Numerous persons embraced Islam on his hands and millions benefited from his services of Dīn. Some of the countries he frequented were:

1) United Kingdom
2) United States of America
3) Germany
4) France
5) China
6) Japan
7) Indonesia
8) Malaysia
9) Vietnam
10) Burma
11) Ceylon
12) Mauritius
13) Reunion
14) Madagascar
15) Portugal
16) South Africa
17) Canada
18) Thailand
19) Lebanon
20) East Africa
21) Kenya
22) Tanzania
23) Uganda
24) Congo
25) Egypt
26) Arabia
27) Syria
28) Palestine
29) Jordan
30) Iraq
31) South America
32) Holland
33) Italy
34) Belgium
35) West Indies
36) Singapore
38) Barbados

39) Guyana (then British Guiana), etc.
Jamia Masjid (Kenya) built by Hadrat Shah Abd al Aleem Siddiqui that had been
the centre of all Sunni activities but currently it is occupied by
Deobandies and Tabhleegies for past 5/6 years.
In his tours, he met with leaders of every religion and faith exchanging views not only on religion but also on political and social dimensions. His approach and presentation of Islam won the hearts of many intellectuals and statesmen, who reverted to Islam on his hands. He not only propagated Islam wherever he went, but he also established socio-religious centres that to this day are rendering invaluable services to the masses.

His Eminence was also responsible for establishing various Mosques (Masaajids) and Islamic Educational Centres throughout the world. Hanafi Masjid in Colombo, the Sultaan Masjid in Singapore and the Naagarya Masjid in Japan are few of the famous mosque

The Inter-Religious Organization was founded in the '40s by Mawlana Muhammad Abdul Aleem Siddiqui Qadiri (may Allah be pleased with him), who also founded the All Malaya Muslim Missionary Society in 1931 and who was the first Muslim "missionary" to travel around the globe a number of times to spread the word of Islam. Jamiyah Singapore was founded in 1932 as an offshoot from this organization.

Expert in more than 15 Languages

He also studied at the Punjab University where he obtained a degree in Oriental languages. Mawlana was fluent in many languages, namely, Urdu, Arabic, Persian, English, German, Japanese, Indonesian, Suhailee ant etc.

Thousands Embraced Islam at his Hands

Thousands embraced Islam at his hands including the well-known thinker Maria Levinskya and her husband the nuclear scientist Dr. Antonoff. An interesting account of Mawlana Muhammad Abdul Aleem Siddique's great work for Islam is found in the account of his world tour written by Dr. Tahir bin Ahmad's father - Professor Dr. Ahmad bin Ibrahim presently at the International Islamic University of Malaysia.

During his tour of the world, he met with various western dignitaries and had lengthy discussions with them on Islam. He met the world-renowned Irish dramatist and Philosopher, George Bernard Shaw, on 17th of April 1935 during his visit to Mombassa, Kenya and discussed many religious problems with him. He was very much impressed by Mawlana Abdul Aleem Siddiqi and said,

"I have been very pleased to make the acquaintance, and it will be the most precious of all memories of this trip of mine." ["Shavian and Theologian" published by Genuine Islam and World Federation of Islamic Missions, Karachi]

A Great Politician

Hadrat Mawlana was also a great politician and took an active part in local and international politics. He was very instrumental in abolishing the Hajj Tax then introduced by the Saudī Regime. The introduction of the Hajj Tax infuriated him as it was against the Sharī'ah and affected millions of incoming Hujjaj to the Holy land. It is also ethically incorrect to charge a Hajj Tax on pilgrims who spend thousands and undertake such a strenuous journey only to be welcomed at Jeddah seaport and airport by an unjustified tax instead of being given a warm welcome to the Holy Land as the guest of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala and His Rasūl Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam.

His Request for Verdict from Mufti Aazam al-Hind

He consulted with the most senior Jurist of the Muslim World, the great 'Arife Billah, Qutb al-'Alam, Muftī al-A'zam, Imam Mustafa Rīda al-Qadirī Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho, and requested him for an Islamic ruling (Fatwa) on the Hajj Tax. The Grand Mufti issued an Islamic decree in the Arabic language condemning the Hajj Tax as un-Islamic which was later published by the title "Tard al-Shaytan un Sabeel al-Rahman al-Muqallib bihi Omdat al-Bayan fi Hurmate Koshan". This Fatwa was acknowledged by many Giants of the Islamic world, namely Sadr al-Afadil Mawlana Sayyid Naī'mudīn Muradabadī Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho, Sadr al-Sharee'ah Mawlana Amjad 'Alee al-Qadiree Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho, etc.

Hadrat Mawlana 'Abd al-'Aleem Siddiquee Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho took this Fatwa and set out to meet the Saudi authorities. He met with the King in Hijaz and debated the Hajj Tax and presented the Fatwa. He convinced the King who then abolished the Hajj Tax. But unfortunately, the Saudi authorities later reinstated this un-Islamic Tax again to exploit the pilgrims to the Holy Land. It is indeed unfortunate that the Muslim world has forgotten the services of this great Ambassador of Islam.

His body rests in Jannat al-Baqee

Hadrat Mawlana Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho was an ardent Lover of the Beloved Habīb, Sayyiduna Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam and always prayed to die and be buried in the sacred city of Madinah al-Munawwarah. The compassionate Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam was fully aware of his ardent lover's desires and hence granted him his wish. Sadly, this brilliant son of Islam finally departed on 22nd Dhul-Hijjah,
1373 Hijri (22nd August 1954) at the age of 63 years and was laid to rest peacefully at the feet of Umm al-Mo'minīn Sayyidah A'yesha Siddiqah Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anha in Jannat al-Baqee'.

Tabhleegh in form of Literature

Although he was extremely busy in his international mission of Tableegh, he still found time to write numerous books in Urdu and English. Some of them are:

1) Zikr-e-Habīb (Urdu)
2) Ahkam-e-Ramadan wa Eid al-Fitr (Urdu)
3) Qadyanī Haqiqat ka Izhar (Urdu)
4) Bahar-e-Shabab (Urdu)
5) Quest for True Happiness (English)
6) Principles of Islam (English)
7) Forgotten Path of Knowledge (English)
8) Muslim Contribution to Science (English)
9) Kitabbut Tassawuf ( Urdu)
10) Elementary Teaching of Islam (Hanafi) (English)
11) Elementary Teaching of Islam (Shafa'ī) (English)
12) The Mirror (English)
13) A Shavian and Theologian (English)
14) History of The Codification of Islamic Law Cultivation Of Science By Muslims (English)
15) A Short Catechism Of Islam (English)
16) The Universal Teacher (English)
17) The Universal Religion (English)
18) The Islamic Ideal (English)
19) The Meaning Of Worship (English)
20) Women And Their Status In Islam (English)
21) Islam's Answer To The Challenge Of Communism (English)
22) The Preservers of Hadith (English)
23) Ijtahad and Mujtahid (English) and etc.

He was also the founder of various newspapers and Islamic magazines from amongst which are, "The Muslim Digest" (South Africa), "Trinidad Muslim Annual" and the "Pakistani News" and was author of numerous books such as the "Cultivation of Science by the Muslims".

In sha-Allah, Barkatur-Raza Publications (Durban, South Africa) intends gathering as many books as possible of this great scholar and publish them so that the wealth left behind by him once again enlightens the hearts of the people.

Muballigh-e-Aazam (The Greatest Propagator of Islam)

His Eminence spent most of his remaining life traveling to the most obscure corners of the world to spread the message of Islam and imparting spiritual teachings to adherents of various sufi orders. It is said that he traversed the world seven times over and has no doubt earned the title — Mubaligh-e-Azam (The Greatest Propagator of Islam).
An Ode to the Great Mujjadid
Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Qadiri Barakaati Bareillwi
Sayyid Ayyub Ali narrates, "The distinguished orator, Allamah Mawlana Haji Qaari Shah Abdul Aleem Siddiqi Qadiri Razawi Meeruti, on returning from the Haramayn Shareefayn presented himself to the Great Imam and recited the following Manqabat in praise of Sayyiduna Ala Hadrat (Radi Allahu Anhu).

You are more than what is said in your praise,
O Sha Ahmad Raza! You are the distributor of Irfaan.

You are drowned in the Ocean of love and intoxicated from the goblet of Tawheed,
You are the accepted of He who is the Beloved of Allah.

You are the centre of Shariah, The orbit of those on the path of Tariqah
and the axis of Haqiqah. Such a Qutbul Awliya are you!

The oceans of Shariah and Tariqah join here.
Your chest is the confluence of those oceans. Such a guide are you!

The people of the Haram have accepted you as their Qibla and Kabaah,
You are the 'people of the Qibla's' Qibla. Such a Qibla are you!

Through whom the Crowns of the Eminent are decorated,
You are such a radiant emerald and priceless gem!

I went to the land of the Arabs and saw with my eyes your activities;
undoubtedly, you are the direction of the Ajam (Non Arab)!

The people of the path of Tariqah travel for you,
Such a Qutb of the time and Leader of the Awliya are you!

The glory of Siddique Akbar is demonstrated through your taqwa,
Why should I not call you the most pious when you are the most virtous!

The awe of Farooq-e-Azam is demonstrated from you,
You are the epitome of harshness on the kuffar,
You are the courageous lion of whom the dissentors fear!

You have collected the secret Quranic points,
This is your inheritance from Uthmaan!

In the sincerity of Ali, mannerism of Hassan and the resolve of Husayn,
By Allah you the most unique of the times and someone unfound!

You are spreading the knowledge of truth into the corners of the globe,
You are the Imaam of the Ahle Sunnah and the Successor to Sayyiduna Gauth-e-Paak!

Beggars beseech and spread their bags before you,
Fill the bags of the mendicant because you are their hope!
No one is ever returned empty handed, such a generosity is yours!

This unfortunate Aleem is a humble beggar of your court,
You are his King who will show favour on his condition!

Once the Mawlana had recited these verses, Sayyiduna Ala Hadrat asked him, "Mawlana, What can I present to you? The Imam pointed to his turban (which was very expensive) whilst he asked this to the Mawlana. Even if I had to present this turban to you, it still would not be worthy to be placed at your feet as you have come from the most sanctified of places. However, I have a very expensive jubba (Cloak) which I shall present to you." Sayyiduna went into his home and returned, carrying in his hands a velvet jubba. He gifted this jubba which could not have been less than 250 Rupees to the Mawlana who stood up to receive it. He received it with both his hands, kissed it and placed it upon his eyes and then upon his head. Then he held it against his chest for a very long time. [Hayaat-e-AlaHadrat by Malik al-Ulama, Shah Zafar al-Din Bihaari]

We pray to the Bounteous Lord through the Waseela of His Compassionate Rasūl, Sayyidun wa Mawlan MuHammadur Rasoolullah Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam to shower the grave of the author with choicest blessings and through him, bless us all and let his struggle be a source of guidance to the Mankind. Ameen.
Kaarab Tasbeeh of  Shaykh Abd al-Aleem Siddiqui al-Qadiri Alaihir RaHma