Sadr al-Afadhil Allama Mawlana Sayyid
Muhammad Na'eem al-Din Muradabadi Alaihir RaHma

A renowned and famous scholar of philosophy, geometry, logic, hadith, and a poet of the Beloved Messenger of Allah Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam, namely Sayyad Muhammad Na'imuddin, titled as 'Sadr-al-Afadhil', the son of Mawlana Mu'in al-Din Rahmatullahi alayh, who was born on 21st of Safar-ul-Muzaffar 1300H, on 1st January 1887, in Muradabad, India.Muhammad Na'eem al-Din Muradabadi Alaihir RaHma

He became a memoriser (hafiz) of the Ennobled Qur'an, at the age of 8. He studied the Urdu, and Persian literature from his father, as the 'Dars-e-Nizamiyyah' was studied under Shah Fadl Ahmad Rahmatullahi 'alayh. He further obtained a degree in granting legal juristic opinion (ifta') from Shah Muhammad Gul Rahmatullahi 'alayh, and had also sworn allegiance (bay'ah) to him.
His forefathers were the inhabitants of 'Mash'had'. At the time of King Aurangzeb, they travelled from there to India. The king gave them great esteem, and granted them with entitlement to land. They travelled many cities when they reached Lahore, and there they stayed near 'Abul-Hasanat'.
He took part vigorously, in many Islamic Movements, as he was also a part (rukn) of the 'Khilafat Committee' which was to establish a Sultanate in Turkey. At this stage, he had made some sensational lectures.
He made 'impacting' tours of Agra, Jaipur, Kishan Garh, Gobind Garh, Hawali'-e-Ajmer, Mithar, and Bharatpur against the 'Show 'Ali Movement' whose aim was to destroy Islam, and also sent his delegates there.
In 1343H [1924], he issued the Monthly 'As-Sawad-al-A'zam' and by doing so, vigourously supported the 'View of the Two nations'.
In gaining the independance for Pakistan, on the 18th September 1918, he delivered an oratory masterpiece, at the opening ceremony at the 'All India Sunni Conference'. He took great part in the passing of the resolutions for a Pakistan at Minto-Park. He was the Chief Organiser (Nazim-e-A'ala), at the Banaras Conference held in 1942.
He fell ill while he was still preparing an Islamic constitution. Life spared him no deferment, and on 18th Dhul Hijjah 1367H [13th October 1948], on a Friday, the world became deprived of him. His sanctuary stands at the left of the Jami'ah Masjid, at Muradabad.
He left 14 works, and lots of treatises including 'Khaza'in-al-Irfan' the tafsir of Kanz al-Iman: Ala Hadrat Shah Ahmad Raza Khan alayhir rahman's Qur'an tranlsation in urdu.
Amongst the most famous works are:
- Tafsir Khaza'in-al-Irfan, [Download]
- Kitab-ul-'Aqa'id, [Download]
- Deewan-e-Urdu,
- Sirat-e-Sihabah,
- Sawaneh Karbala,
- Adab-ul-Akhya,
- al-kalimatu'l 'ulya li iylayi 'ilm al-mustafa,
- aTyab al-bayan radd e tafwiyatu'l iman,
- and at-taHqiqat li daf' al-talbisat.
Some of his students included:
- Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan Na'imi
- Sarkar-e-Kalan Sayyad Mukhtar Ashraf
Sadr al-Afadil, the teacher of teachers in the last century, Mawlana Muhammad Na'eemuddin Muradaabadi is a jurist, scholar, mufti, Quranic Exegete and an Educator. He was also an excellent poet; a collection of his poems is named as 'Riyaz e Na'eem' / the 'Garden of Na'eem' or the 'Garden of Comfort.'
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