"O Jibrael ! How old are you?"
Jibrael al-Ameen Alaihis Salam replied,
"O Rasoolullah SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam, I don't know how old I am, but I do know that in the Fourth Covering (حجاب), I saw a star shine once every 70,000 years, and I saw this 72,000 times."
The Holy Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam then said,
وعزة ربي انا ذالك الكوكب
"By the honour of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala! I was that star." [Tafseer Rooh al-Bayaan, Vol. 1, Page 974]
Lesson: The Noor of our Beloved Prophet was created before anything else. He came before angels, humans, the Earth, and whatever else lies within all of creation.

Extracted from
Stories Of The Prophets (Partial Translation of Sacchi Hikayaat)
Urdu: Maulānā Abun-Nūr Muhammad Bashīr | English: Omar Sayed
Extracted from
Stories Of The Prophets (Partial Translation of Sacchi Hikayaat)
Urdu: Maulānā Abun-Nūr Muhammad Bashīr | English: Omar Sayed
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